Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I woke up to the sound of my ring tone. I groaned as I moved over to my bedside table. As I opened my phone, I looked at the clock to see that it was 4:27. Who on earth would call me at this time? I clicked accept as I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked groggily into the phone.

"Will you meet me out in the hallway? I have to explain." They said into the phone.

"Who is this?" I asked confused. I'm not good with voices at four in the morning... Only Chase's. But that's partly because we've known each other for so long and partly because he's been sleeping in my room for the past week.

"It's Adam." He breathed into the phone. I sighed. This should be good.

"Yeah, I guess. Wait... Your out in the hallway?" I asked as I got out of bed quietly. I made sure I had my key and that my hair looked okay. I didn't want the neighbors thinking I was a zombie... if anyone was up at this time. What is up with Adam anyway? Couldn't he just wait until morning? Or later this morning?

"Well I was just going to knock on the door but, I knew you would be the one that would listen to me. Chase is probably to upset to come out of his room and Leo would slam the door in my face." Adam explained. I stopped at my door.

"Spoken like a true friend." I hissed into the phone before hanging up. I slipped it into the pocket of my pj shorts before making my way into the living room. Leo was sound asleep so it was easy to get into the hallway. I closed the door quietly. As I turned, I came face to face with Adam.

"Why don't we go talk on the stairs." I suggested as I began to move down the hall. Adam nodded and followed me. I sat on the first stair down from the top as Adam took the second. I laid my legs out in front of me. Adam sighed before starting.

"You do realize this doesn't mean I forgive you. It just means I'm willing to hear what you have to say." I said before he started. He nodded knowingly.

"I know. But I had to tell one of you." Adam pleaded. I nodded before he continued.

"I know that the whole preschool thing sounds a little crazy, but let me explain. When we met, you were the first friend I had ever had. You were special to me. I always thought that if I got a best friend, I would try to keep them forever. But then Chase came along, and you jumped at the chance to be his friend. You left me and come to find out 13 years later, you two were still best friends. It made me a little upset because, that could have been you and me. After you made friends with Chase, everyone else in the class looked at me differently. My mom had me switch schools so I could start over. That's when I met Leo. But he's two years younger than me and one year younger than you two so that friendship was hard till now. When I found out what an easy friendship you and Chase had had, it made me upset. It brought back all of the hurt feelings from back then." Adam paused momentarily to see my reaction. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Easy? You think that was easy? Do you know how long I've been hiding my feelings for Chase? I knew that even if he did like me back, we had our parents to worry about. If we broke up, it could ruin our dad's friendship. I wasn't ready to put all of that on the line. Then with Chase constantly flirting with me these past few years, our friendship was anything but easy, Adam." I replied slowly. Adam nodded guiltily. He of all people should know about this. I've only been confiding in him an Leo for the past two years.

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