Chapter 3

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Skylar POV

"Im in love with you, Skylar."
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear those words,"
I let out a sigh of relief as I gently grab her face and look into my best friend eyes.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to say them,"
We both lean forward, her soft lips are so close to mine, I can already taste them.
"I love you Allison."
"I love you Skylar"
Our lips collide, every thing fades,
Until I hear my mom screaming - "SKYLAR"
From downstairs.
I guess it was a dream.
I hate dreams.
I hate that I Dream about her.
I'm with Kylie, who cares about Allison.
I care about her and I hate it.
I walk down stairs to see why my mom woke me up from that amazingly stupid ass dream.
"Oh good your awake."
"Actually mom, I was asleep but you screaming my name kind of Woke me."
"Sorry about that but I need you to help dad get the nice table from the storage."
"It's just Kylie coming over mom, do we really need the nice table."
"Yes we do, it's the first girl your bringing home, Well besides Allison."
"Alison was different, it wasn't like that."
"Never said it was, if your assuming it then it must mean it might be true."
My mom has always loved Allison, but I've never told her about my feeling for her.
I'm sure she know though, or she at least think she knows.
"I'll go help dad get the nice table."
I hear her screaming something about me avoiding Allison as I walk outside.
It's not that I'm avoiding her, I never even see her anyway I haven't seen her since that night I know her parents came to visit a couple times but she never did.
I know I told her I never wanted to see her again but I didn't mean it.
She didn't even try, I know I didn't either but still it hurts knowing she let out go of our friendship and me so quick.
Whatever I need to let it go she's long gone now.
I walk into the garage to find my dad.
"We have to be careful when we lift the table or your mother will kill us."
I let out laugh although I know he's for real.
"So this Kylie girl, is she special?"
Of course she's a special girl but that's not what he means. He's really asking if I am I in love with her.
And I don't know what to say.
I hesitate to answer this.
"I like her a lot, of  course."
"But More then ally, are you in love with her?"
I look at him.
"Ok I'll stop." He says
"Let's just bring the Table inside already."
I go up to my room and text Kylie that I miss her.
My dad think he know this situation well because I went to him the night I told Allison my feelings, he's the one who convicted me to do it,
But he doesn't understand what Kylie means to me.
He doesn't know that you can't fall out of love with someone by being with another person, it doesn't work like that or at least for me it doesn't.
I'm not saying I'm not in love with Kylie, but at the same time I can't say that I'm in love with her.
I'm falling in love with her, there's nothing wrong with that.
The sound of my phone buzzing interrupts my thoughts.
I read my girlfriends text and smile, I do like Kylie very much.
My mom and My dad can think other wise but I know what I feel for her.
No one can change what I feel, honestly not even Allison could.
Our friendship is long gone, it's sad to say but it's true.
She never tried when she left.
I wished my feelings that I have for her would go away but I know it takes times.
I'll always care for her, but she's no longer in my life.
Kylie is and in a way she's my best friend now.
Not Allison.
So for now on I'm gonna try my best to completely erase her from my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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