Hiding the reality

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Hello, hello!!! I'm so sorry for updating first now!! You know, preparation for exams, then pre-exams comes, then homework.... But it cooled down a bit, so now I'm here ;) Hehe, I also found out Kasamatsu is a third year, so he's supposed to be graduated already... -_-' I don't know if I should rewrite all my stories... What do you guys think?

But here's the 13th chapter and I hope you like it :)


''Sooooo'' Kazumi asked confused. ''What are you doing again?''

''Picking flowers'' Hyūga said trying to smile, but it was clear that he just wanted to explode at the moment.

The team stood a bit far away from the crowd. Almost hundreds of kids were playing all around the park, laughing their guts out for some reason. Seirin still didn't know why they were there. Riko had sent a message to them all, that all should meet at the park as fast as possible, but they still hadn't got a clear answer why.

''They look like they having fun'' Kazumi smiled big as the children kept running after each other. ''But I think you're intimidating them, senpai.''

Some kids who were nearby almost made in their pants, because the atmosphere around Hyūga was so dense.

''So, Riko'' Kiyoshi said. ''What's this going to make us perform better at the matches? You're not thinking about, making us play basketball on a grass field, are you?''

''No one says it's impossible to play basket on grass field with flowers and kids in'' Riko smiled and walked in front of everyone. ''Everyone! I want you to basketball right here!''

''Eeeehhh???!!!'' the team shouted in choir.

''It's too crowded and too many flowers!'' Hyūga said. ''We aren't even allowed to play here!''

''Who said we aren't allowed? It is a public park, right?'' Riko asked.

''Have you seen all those people?! We're going to end up hurting someone, if we play here!"

"That's the point."

They all raised their eyebrows in confusion.

"You say we're supposed to hurt those kids?" Kiyoshi asked while pointing at them.

"Of course not! You have to avoid hurting them" she explained.

"Again, have you seen all those people??!!!!" Hyūga yelled once again.

"Why else do you think we're here?"

"So you want us to play on grass and dribble around all those people. Is this pass training again like at the beach?" Izuki asked.

"I think it would be a bit hard to only pass" Riko smiled with her creepy smile once again.

They looked once again at the giant park, and finally noticed the basketball nets. But they almost dropped their mouths, when they saw how far each net was away from each other.

"They at least two fields away!" Hyūga said surprised.

"What are you waiting for? Get going" she demanded.

Without protesting anymore, they walked down to the middle of the park, but already just by getting down there, they almost got stamped on by waves of small humans. Kazumi stayed by the meeting place, looking as they began training. She sat slowly down at the beautiful, almost complete perfect grass. It was even just as soft like a bed. Suddenly both Riko and she could see Kagami falling over a little boy. The boy didn't cry, instead he just continued to run with a smile, while Kagami still face planting into the ground.

"That I call some kid" Riko said. "Not crying, even though a person three times bigger just stamped on him."

"Kids are stronger than grownups" Kazumi whispered. "As a kid you don't' have to worry about growing up, the society or anything the older do. In that way they're stronger. No worries, makes you strong."

"I thought hardship makes you stronger" Riko said.

"To some, but for some it would be the end of their world."

"But you've been through a lot, haven't you?"

Kazumi didn't answer at first. She kept looking at the laughing kids, who almost got flattened to pancakes by the team. Then she looked up at Riko with a smile. But her smile was different.

"Who said I was strong?"

Different from others who tried to hide their feelings would do, she didn't stand up and leave. But instead she just acted like nothing had happened. Like everything she had been through was all a minor thing. For some reason, whenever Riko saw Kazumi acting like that, she became sad herself. Someone so happy and nice all the time, was on same time so cold and empty.


The sun was about to go down. But team was already down, in that way they all lied on the grown with dirty, small foot marks allowed them.

''Those kids really liked to run around, huh?'' Kazumi laughed awkwardly.

''I'm going home'' Koganei moaned and tried to stand up.

The rest of them did the same, and after awhile they all went home with bended backs and depressed expressions.

''You sure were hard on them, senpai'' Kazumi said to Riko.

''I just don't want them to slack off. Lately it's like they lost their spirits for basketball.''

''Their spirits? Why do you think that?''


Riko didn't finish her sentence, but Kazumi could easily see, she was sad.

''Who knows? Maybe it's just a phase'' Kazumi tried to comfort. ''I'm sure that their fighting spirits will come back soon!''

Riko looked at Kazumi's wide smile. Was that one real or was it just like the others? She didn't know anymore. Suddenly they heard someone shout something. They looked in the direction where it came from, and with a incredible fast speed, a tennis ball flew right against them, with Riko's face as it's target.


In a blink of an eye, Kazumi jumped to try and catch the ball, centimeters from it hitting Riko. She did touch it, but she couldn't grab it, and for some weird reason she tried to catch it with her left hand even though she stood in Riko's left side. It would've been a lot easier just to have caught it with her right, especially of her dominant hand was that one.

A kid ran up to them and bowed apologizing, and as fast as he came, he was gone. Riko looked into the horizon, still not realizing what just happened. Her eyes moved to give Kazumi a glance. She was looking at her hand. Her face was complete emotionless. Something was wrong.

''I have to go, senpai'' Kazumi said and started to walk.

''Okay...'' Riko replied with a confused, yet worried face.

Nothing came from Kazumi anymore. Not a ''see you later!'' or a clumsy fall.

'That hand' Riko thought. 'If that can make her act like this, something has to be terribly wrong.'


Well, that was the 13th chapter, and I hoped you liked it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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