Thinking about You! (Match Makers)

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Ok so here is the new story, I've just been feeling like I had to go down another route sort of. It's still the same concepts kinda interracial and the lovely lady is plus size. So after you read this chapter please let me know how you feel and I'll update, if not then I won't! :)

"Please you have to come with me tonight!" Sarah whined.

Sarah was my roommate and best friend. We met each other 6 years ago through our mutual friend James. Since we've met we've been inseparable, we told each other everything and went everywhere together. Everyone called us 'ebony and ivory'!

Sarah was a tall brunette with blue eyes that any ocean would envy. Her skin was like smooth pure milk and her cheeks were naturally stained with pink, so she never needed blush. Her nose was long and straight that went perfectly with the long full lips that never stopped moving.

"Do I really look like I want to be in some tiny sweaty bar being the third wheel, while you and Travis have fun?" I explained, trying to get myself out of her and Travis date night.

"Yes! You know why? Because you love me and I want you to have the best!" She said as sat on the sofa next to me grabbing my arm.

I looked down at her hands which she started to squeeze my arm, causingme pain. I tried to pull away, but Sarah tightened her grip.

"OW! I know what your trying to do." I said as I finally got my arm loose.

She tried to play dumb and act like I wasn't on to her and Travis playing Cupid. But I was and as much as I liked Travis, his friends were not my type. Not that I had a type, I mean throughout my life I have been on a few dates it just that I was never their "type". Plus I seen the guys Travis hung with and they seemed to be rich, egotistical, assholes who thought that if you weren't in their circle you weren't good enough. And they were mostly white, so that causes some awkwardness for me.

Yes, I'm black and I love it, but living on the side of New York where mostly rich whites lived and thought they ruled everything was annoying. I mean a black person let alone any other race can have as much money as they do! But I'm preaching to the choir.

"Vanessa! Are you even listening to me?" Sarah yelled from the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes, "yeah I heard every word."

"Then what did I say?" She came out of the kitchen with her hands on her hips.

I did not have time for this. I got up and walked to my room, of course Sarah followed.

"Vanessa forreal!" She whined again. "I really think that you and this guy would hit it off!"

I quickly turned around and pointed in her face, " I knew it! Y'all are trying to hook me up! And the answer is NO!"

We stood there looking at each other for a few seconds then Sarah started to beg again.

"Please... Let's make a deal!" She put her pinky in the air. "If you don't like him then I will never try to play match maker for you again!"

I was thinking and the bet didn't sound that bad. If it meant that Sarah would stay out of my love life, which was non existent anyway...then I was down.

She saw me thinking and started to wiggle her pinky in my face.

"Ok...Fine." I sighed and pushed her hand out if my face.

"Oh no you don't! You have to pinky swear or no deal." She put her hand back up.

I reluctantly put my pinky out and made the deal.

"Yes! I'm so excited, you will love this guy. He is like this super hot CEO or his father is, either way he is smart, sexy and rich!" She sang into my ear as she passed me to go to her room.

"You know I'm not that type of girl who cares for money!" I sang back as I entered my room.

Don't get me wrong having money was nice and it meant stability, but I know how these type of guys are. They think money can make you become their puppet and trust me I was no ones dancing puppet. Sarah didn't really care for money either, that's all she grew up around anyway so it was nothing to her.

The beautiful condo that we lived in was not cheap! $2200 a month for rent, thank God utilities are included. When she asked me to move in with her I told her I couldn't afford the rent and pay other bills a month. So she said she would talked to her parents. Her dad was a high end attorney that owned two firms and her mom was a OBG/YN that had her own practice.


*knock knock*

"Come in!" I yelled from my closet.

"Oh yes!" I heard Sarah shout. "Yes honey I love it! And better yet Josh will love it too."

I ignored Sarah and was trying to find some heels that were cute, but weren't gonna have me in pain all night. Then I felt a hard slap on my ass.

I hopped up quickly and covered my ass. "Sarah you know I hate that!" I whined.

She was just standing there smiling and winking. "Oh don't worry you'll get use to it. And I never got why you hated getting that big ass's just out there asking to be smacked and rubbed!"

I couldn't help but notice Sarah's outfit. She wore cute black and white polka dot dress that flared out at her knees. And her pink suede pumps. Sarah had style that's for sure.

I turned back around and flipped open a shoe box. "That's exactly why I hate it...everyone thinks that it's ok to smack my ass. I'm not a stripper!"

Sarah sat on my bed and grabbed some glitter lotion off my dresser,"Oh girl you would make millions!"

I smacked my lips at her. "Ok how do I look?"

I was wearing a nude and black lace knee length dress that occasionally rose up because of my butt and I just threw on some simple black pumps.

She stood up and spun me around. "You look good! Now are you ready to go?"

I ran into the bathroom "just let me add some blush and gloss then I'll be ready."

Thinking about You! (Match Makers)Where stories live. Discover now