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Vanessa's POV

4:32am my alarm clock read. I haven't been able to shut my eyes since that horrible date last night. 'Who did that guy think he was?' Sarah wasn't home yet which meant she probably was at Travis' apartment. Well lucky her at least one of us is getting some. It's been 5 years since I last had sex and it was also my first time with my ex Sean. I thought I was in love, boy was I wrong. I caught him cheating with his ex-girlfriend. Which is why I now have commitment and trust issues. I feel like I'm not good enough for anyone, and no one wants to date a fat single girl like me.

"Ugh! Why can't I sleep?" I whined in my pillow.

I couldn't lay in bed anymore. I decided to get some warm milk with cinnamon, my favorite! Hopefully that would put me to sleep. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get the milk. I poured the milk in a cup and placed it in the microwave. I set the timer and pushed start. I couldn't help but think about Josh and his hands exploring my body as I...

*Ding!* The microwave went off

"Why am I thinking about him? He's rude and he doesn't even like black girls, so I should get over it!" As I've been saying to myself the whole night. I really needed to get some sleep. I finished my cup and headed back to bed where I was afraid my unwanted thoughts would keep me awake. Soon I finally felt my eyelids get heavy as the sun started to peak through my curtains.

_______ Josh POV

I woke up with a huge headache and an annoying beeping sound. 'What is that? I needed it to stop!' I got out of bed to search for the sound when I heard a yawn. I looked at my bed to find two blondes. I remember one from last night at the bar, but where did the other one come from?

"Hey come back to bed!" The second blonde said as she rubbed the spot where I just laid.

"Uhh just a minute, I gotta find the beeping." I explained as I looked under some clothes in a chair.

"It's coming from over there." The blonde from the bar said as she stretched and pointed towards my bathroom.

I entered the bathroom and finally found the sound, it was my phone! The alarm was set for 9:30am. I looked at the time on the screen and it showed 11 o'clock. 'What was I suppose to be doing at 9:30am?' I tried to think. Then I heard the doorbell. Who could possibly be at my freaking door? Who ever it was had no patience at all.

"Stop ringing my damn doorbell! Who the hell is it?" I yelled as I opened the door.

There he was, it was like looking in a mirror every time I seen him. Except the strands of grey hair and some wrinkles made it easier to tell us apart.

"Joshua Andrew Hartwright!" My father yelled. "Do you have any clue what today was?"

I winched as he shouted at me, my head started to pound even more. I made my way to the kitchen. "No dad, but I bet your going to tell me." I said as I poured some orange juice.

"Today was the big meeting with the upcoming charity event! Your presence was required today so you could meet the members of the organization." He explained in a harsh tone.

"I'm sorry dad I didn't hear my alarm until later." I shrugged my shoulders.

My dad gave me a disgusted look. "And may I ask what you were doing for you to miss your alarm for this very important meeting?"

Before I could answer the two blondes came out of my room and started to blow me kisses at me. They both said in unison "call us!" before leaving out.

I smiled and finished my glass. I started to walk back to my room while my dad have me a speech. "Joshua this company is riding on you and your actions. It's not what I do anymore that the board members look at. It's you! If you want to keep acting like a wild teenaged superstar then I will freeze the company accounts on you!"

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around, "you can't!" I said with alarm in my voice.

"Try me! If you keep this tom foolery up and not taking the business seriously then I'll have no other choice." He said as he stepped closer to me.

"I never wanted this! I wanted to be a painter! Not own your stupid company, why couldn't you give it to Jake?"

"You are crazy to think I would let any of my sons become some street artist; when you can run the family business. And you know damn well why your brother couldn't be the next CEO. That's enough, you need to shape up or you'll be shipped out!" He stated before he left my house.

What was my dad talking about? Jake could easily be CEO of the company. He just didn't want his company to have a bad reputation of having a convicted murderer running the place. Jake was my older brother who I loved dearly, we were so close when we were younger. Travis and I looked up to everything he did. We thought he was invincible until he went to prison. My mother cried every single night and my father threatened every single judge he knew to help his son. But the evidence was strong. Yes, Jake did his time and got out, but I know he didn't kill anyone and he was still my big brother. I never treated him differently and when it came to family he was always willing to help, but my dad wasn't having any of it. So he stopped Jake from visiting the family and being apart of the company. He even cut him out of getting his share of the company. My family was not the Brady bunch anymore.

After I got dressed I called Travis up to see if he wanted to hit the gym with me.

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