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*They lied to me.* I thought angrily. *All these years, training since I was 8 and now I find out that they have been lying to me.*. I watch the family that I was assigned to do recon on. Six months I have watched them I think they forgot about me, I know what they are I've watched them shift many times but they have never harmed anyone. I'm 24 now and have killed so many, I have the reputation for being a cold blooded killer. If go down there and tell her who I am the father would kill me or try to anyway they would attack me. I'm not sure why I was left here for so long watching them, doing reconnaissance usually we are only here for a few weeks and then they move us to the next group. I think it's because they don't want us to see the humanity the wolves have.
After hours of calming down and thinking about what I had just realized I came to a number of conclusions first I didn't hate them anymore. I spent too much time watching this family, and learned that not all of them were evil vile monsters because they were a good family, they loved each other, and secondly those who had raised me and treated me like family were not family, you don't teach your family to kill, don't teach them to be assassin, killers, murderers. You don't teach them to hate. Third I didn't understand why would take 50 of us to kill one family we're only one maybe two members were able to fight.
I decided right then and there I wasn't doing it anymore. I had to warn this family but I only have one way to do it the problem was all of my arrows are marked the same and everyone knows who's they are. So I pulled out a piece of scratch paper and simply wrote I'm turning over a new leaf, you need to protect yourself and your family, they know who you are and what you are and they are coming for you. I waited until everyone went in. I aimed at the door and release my arrow and left I knew I had to do more because if I didn't this family would be dead.
I made my way back to the camp and went to my best friend "Jarrod I need to talk to you come and follow me." I told him. I led him to where the family lived the arrow was gone and you could tell they were packing to leave. I looked at Jarrod and said "This is the location we are supposed to attack right" "Yeah" he replied. " Does this look like a pack, eight people live here, an elderly couple, a middle aged couple and their four children who are all under ten years old. Can you please tell me why it is going to take thirty hunters to take out one old and one middle aged wolf because in the six months I have been here the women have never changed. And you know as well as I do that no one under the age of thirteen can shift as well as the kids having a parent and grandparent that are human are more than likely going to be human as well. So that means thirty-seven plus hunters are going against two wolves two human woman and four human kids, that are so unlikely to ever become wolves that this wolf bloodline is dead so we are just committing murder. Tell me is this in the Hunter code anywhere. What we are supposed to hunt are wolves that are dangerous not women and children. What Darrell, Chuck and Frank are telling us to do is wrong, I'm not doing it anymore. Go tell Harvey, Greg, Joey and whoever you want that I plan to start protecting those who need it, those who are truly innocent, they have a toddler in there what's he going to do gum someone to death. I am twenty four now and I have seen the difference between ones that are dangerous and ones who are not. Tell them if they continue doing this they like Darrell, Chuck,and Frank will become the hunted.
I've watched for another 2 weeks, The family I protected them, I made sure they weren't attacked. I convinced most of the younger Hunters that they needed to leave and not be Hunters. I showed them the books that I found, the ancient texts. Not the ones written by shifters but the ones written by us the hunters. Originally hunters were actually members of the packs, the pride and the flocks. We were the children of a shifter human mating who were unable to shift. We had all the speed and the strength and the healing ability of the shifter but we didn't have the inner beast, we didn't have the ability to shift. We were trained to protect the packs, we were taught how to handle business that the shifters couldn't we became healers, merchants. We were the ones that dealt with the humans. Basically except for the healing ability and our speed and strength we were humans we could be hurt in the same way that humans could we could die just as easily as humans could the only difference we healed a little faster,we were a little stronger, and we were faster.
Jerrod, Joey, Harvey, Greg, and several others, who decided they were going to no longer be hunters but become protectors, and I met a couple of times a week for several months. We then decided what packs, prides, and flocks were out there that we could protect. After talking about it we decided that instead of staying together as a group we would each take a pack, or pride, or a flock and watch them. We wanted to see how they treated their non shifter children that were born that were unable to shift. We would then each try an approach the Alpha and explain who and what we were, we knew it would be dangerous and we would possibly even be killed, but it was worth it to us if we could return to what we were what and protect these packs, flocks, and Prides, then it was worth the chance that we were taking.

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Quick edit Feb.1,2017
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