Chapter One: Turning Over a New Leaf

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         I deviated from the plan originally set up with Jared and the rest. I followed the hunters led by Frank Lyons, Chuck Rogers, and Darrell Hanner. I thought if I could get rid of this pack of hunters, these rogue hunters then I would be protecting more than just the few packs we had decided on. For three months I have followed threatened and killed yes even killed some of the hunters but still Frank, Chuck, and Darrell keep trying to hunt down those that are innocent, the packs that are just living their lives, the flocks that are just caring for each other, the pride that just want to be left alone. For three months between running some off, making some change their mind, and just outright killing others off, I have whittled this pack of hunters from 50 down to 25. I have worked so hard, directed them away from other packs but because I wasn't paying enough attention, I wasn't checking ahead they came across a pack.
        I was a day behind and they had already set up camp. I had seen the boundary markings for the pack to late. I had to find my way in without being discovered. Not everyone knew that I had turned over this new leaf, not everyone knew that I was no longer a hunter but a protector. If this pack didn't know that I was no longer a hunter them finding me could end my life. I was being careful not to be seen by either the hunters who I was following and going to kill or the pack who if they didn't know I changed would kill me if they caught me. It took me awhile but I finally found a way through the trees and they're intertwining branches to be able to make it on onto the pack's grounds. Once on a pack lands, I had to find the pack house or maybe just the main pack house because with some packs there are two or three pack houses. It took longer than it should have because I had to keep going back and making sure the hunters weren't ready to attack. I kept harassing them enough that they never even sent anybody out to observe the pack and find out how large they were. I finally found the main pack house where the alpha lived. I spent the next three weeks off and on observing, still going back and harassing the hunters to keep them off balance.
        I could tell that Frank, Chuck, and Darrell still had not told them what was going on and who was after them. Apparently, if anybody knew it was only Frank, Chuck, and Darrell, and even then I wasn't sure that they really knew what was going on. I'm not even sure they knew that I was the one that was doing it. I would eventually let them know but not yet. First I have to deal with a pack and make sure that they knew that they had hunters at their borders. I had made some changes to my arrows. I had added a double row of leaves around the shaft of my arrows. I changed my shaft color from Red to Green. This is enough of a change that hopefully I wouldn't be identified as the person I used to be.
         I decided it was time to let the pack know that they were being hunted, the hunters were on their doorstep. It was the evening of a new moon, and like always I covered my scent with pine and cedar which was common to the area. Wolves being what they are never think to look up, unfortunately. I'm hoping that maybe they will change the training to include looking up because you never know who's in the trees above you. I had written a message on a small piece of paper and tied it around my arrow. It was late enough that everyone was inside I'm sure the only guards they had were those that were on the border, I drew back my bow string and let my arrow fly. It hit right where I wanted, the cross bars of the alpha's office window. I quickly move to another tree and a little further back but where I could still see the window and make sure that he had received the message. Sure enough, he looked out the window open it and grab the arrow. It wasn't but a few seconds before his warriors arrived. They were hunting for me, I decided it was time I left.
       I went back to the border of their lands and watched to see if they followed thru. I watched as 5 wolves stealthily crept over the border heading for where the hunters camp was. I watched as they spread out around the camp, one of them headed back to where they had come from, probably to take a message to their Alpha. I watched as the four others drew back a little ways from the hunters camp and settled into hiding. The next morning I had decided I was going to prove to the wolves that they had help. I pulled out two very specialized arrows they were loaded with gunpowder. They were not designed to kill anybody they were designed as a warning. My advantages for firing from a tree top are I wear dark clothing so it's kind of hard to see me, OK almost impossible, and the second Advantage is I get to choose where I stand and I always pick a place where it's easy to move from
         I have noticed that there were two fires in the camp, I aim for the first fire and let loose my arrow and quickly do the same with the second fire and release the second Arrow at which point I also quickly moved far enough over so that I was now over one of the wolves. Frank knowing that I had created these arrows screamed at me, " Shelby I know you're out there why are you doing this to us, we trained you, we raised you, what are you trying to do?" " Frank" I yelled back " you lied us, all of us, remember back at headquarters I was going to the library a lot to read. I found the ancient texts, the ones that told us what we really were, you've twisted it you've turned it, we're not supposed to be hunting them we're supposed to be protecting them from the rogues. keep hunting them Frank and I'll kill you along with Chuck and Darrell. Oh, by the way, Frank the names not Shelby anymore I've turned over a new Leaf, and have a new name it is Nelia." "But they're the monsters, remember they are the ones who attacked and killed your family." he replied.
         I looked down to see the wolf that I was over looking up at me, I realized that he wasn't a beta Prime but he was a beta. I smile, waved, and moved off to my next stand site. The way that I moved took me out of sight of the fire and wolf. I'm not sure how long they stayed and watched or if they change shifts, it didn't matter to me. I had done what I wanted to do I warned the pack and I warned the hunters. I knew that the Wolves would be watching for me, especially since I had warned them of the hunters and they were where I said they were, even more so after I'm sure the beta told him what I had done and said as well as what Frank had said they knew now that I had been Shelby, one of the most fearsome hunters ever heard of.

1326 words with this note.
Feb. 1, 2017
Preliminary edit,
If you see any mistakes please comment.
Quick edit
Feb.15, 2017

 July 31, 2017, did a Grammarly edit I love it. Grammarly caught a lot of mistakes that I didn't, so now including this edit I now have 1353 words. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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