"Ode to Tea"

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For English we were supposed to write a poem expressing respect and appreciation for an everyday object. So.

My brother had been the one

Who drank tea

When he visited.

The dark purple-colored water

Steaming from the ancient teapot

Would fill the sides of the ceramic mug

That had a white cartoon cow on the outside.

I knew that he drank it

Because everybody else had coffee

And his church did not allow such things.

But he would always smile gratefully

As he inhaled the steam from his mug

And drank the hot Cherry-Berry tea.

A year ago

I tried desperately to enjoy tea

I had wanted to be more like my beloved brother

And the lovable Arthur Dent.

I wanted the same feeling of contentment when I drank it

I wanted it to feel like home

I wanted to yearn for it

When catastrophes happened

Even if they were not

My planet being destroyed.

But even though

I drowned my bag in milk

And suffocated it with sugar

I would sneer

At the offensive smell

And cringe

As I drank the liquid.

Now I can pull various bags from the cupboard

Like little Christmas presents

For I have discovered

The raw heat

Like lava beneath the earth

Beautiful and fiery

Frightening at first

But I now understand

The extensive benefits.

Tea has the power to transform.

It has transformed the large mug that I possess

That had since just sat on my dresser unused

To become a necessary part of my day,

A cherished object

With the paint

Of that silly blue owl

Barely visible

From all the washing.

Tea has the power to warm the soul.

And more often that not

I am cold

With the cold weather approaching

And the perplexing

Idea of my body

To be cold

All of the time

Regardless of the height

Of the mercury.

Tea has the power to comfort.

The steam, the hot water

Reaches into the synapses

Of my brain

And when my mind is scattered

And I am nervous

And anxious

Or angry

Or upset

Or sad

Or frustrated

Or out of control

I drink the scalding potion

And it reaches where all the words would never reach

And it calms me down

Without saying

Anything at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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