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(AN : Somi based Story in Canada)


Somi's POV

I was walking towards the auditorium with my Best Friend Pinky ~

She is my Best Friend since Summer camp

(AN : This story is based in Canada , Korea , Singapore , NYC & Paris)

"Are you going back to that Summer Camp place again this year?" Pinky asked me as we both entered the auditorium together

"I don't know , I mean my Little Sister is
Coming back from Australia this year and my dad wants me to spend time with her"

"Are you going?" I added , "Hmm" Pinky Hummed

"I m definitely going" She said

"We go every summer" I said as I lightly push Pinky "Come on , this is gonna be my last year in this summer camp , you gotta come" She said to me "Oh yeah ..... I forgot the age limit is 20 years old"

"Yeah .... so you really gonna come to that summer camp" she said

"Okay! , I can't believe it ~ this is your last year with me at Summer Camp" I said to her

I can't really believe it , Pinky is older than me by 2 years"

"Have you decided -" I asked her

Ding ~

The bell rang ~ which means class is starting soon

I brought out my laptop and Books from my bag and pinky does the same , the Teacher walked in and pass us the papers and a disk to put into our laptop ~

Skip the boring class and get to Lunch with our other Friend

"Hey Guys" I said as I sat down

"Hey Somi" Do Yeon , Yoo Jung , Chaeyeong (Twice) & Chung Ha said to me and Pinky

"So What's on Today's menu?" I asked them "Tacos ^^" Do Yeon said happily

"Awesome!!! , Come on Pinky let's go" I said as I grab her hands and we both walk to the counter


A few minutes we came back to the table with 🌮 ~ my Favourite food Tacos Wednesday ^^

Welcome to Richmond Academy is a private school Everyday the lunch menu will change every single day ^^

"Are you excited , Town is having a .... Korea festival this weekend are you in?" pinky said

I was busy munching on my Tacos

"Yeah .... kinda excited to go back Korea this summer" Do Yeon said

Yoo Jung , Do Yeon , Chaeyoung are from South Korea  , I live In Korea for 5 years before I come back

My mum is working in Korea my dad is based in Canada and my little Sister is studying in Australia


"Are you and Zhou Going to that summer camp place again ?" Yoo Jung asked

"Yeah , We are" Pinky said

"I don't know , my little Sister is coming back from Australia this summer , I might not be going back this year" I said

"This year is Zhou's Last year , you have to go" Do Yeon said

When I met you in summer Camp [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now