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"I m home" I said as I entered the house

My Grandmother came out from the kitchen "Oh Somi your back" She said to me as I sat down on the couch

"Yeah ....." I got up and grab bag "Granny.... I m kinda tired , I m going to take a nap okay" I said to her and walks upstairs



Skip to the next day ~ my grandmother woke me up at 10 argh it's a Saturday..... I usually get up around noon

I did my usual morning routine ~ Wash up , Take a nice warm shower , Puts on a light make up then head down for breakfast

"Morning Sleepy head" my grandmother said as I entered the kitchen And pulls out a chair "Morning" I said to her

"Juice or Milk?"

"Orange Juice"

My grandmother pours me a glass of orange juice ~ "I m going out for awhile Somi to meet up with Tammy" She started off

"Oh .... aunt Tammy , the next door Lady?"

"Yes ~ Unfortunately her Son recently got married and she is all alone I m going out with her for the day with the other Neighbours ladies , I won't be back until tomorrow morning"

"It's okay , I can take care of myself for the day granny" I told her "Okay , I m will being going now" She said and left the house by the back Door

- with that I was all alone

After breakfast I did the dishes and head to the living room and watch TV until 5pm I head up stair to get ready for the party


10mins before Vernon comes to pick me up ^^

I was texting pinky while waiting

Me : Angry 😡?

Pinky : No , I m sorry

Me : I m sorry let me make up for you ~ let's have a sleepover tomorrow

Pinky : Okay 👌🏼 ILY TTLY

Ding Dong

That must be Vernon!!!

I looked at the mirror one last time before I head to outside

"Hey" I said as I opened the door Vernon smiles "Hey , You look amazing" he said and winked at me "Aww Thank you look Awesome" I said

"Come on , Let's go" he said ~ I held his hands "Kaja"


Vernon's POV ~ 🌸

"So , Are you excited about the party tonight?" I asked her as I parked the car

"Yes .... cool with you if i can go find my friends First" Somi said to me , I looked at her "Sure , Pinky right?"

"Yeah , she asked me to go to the party with her , But i kinda turn her down because i wanted to go with you"

"Ah ~ ..... I see" I said in a guilty way

"Come on let's go , Don't wanna be late" she said 

We both walked into James house ~ together 

We both inside the house , The Music is so Loud Everyone is dancing , Drinking playing games , Somi and I both walked to the bar together

"What would you guys like to drink?" The bartender asked us

"I will have a blue Soda , The Lady will have a ....." "Make that 2 Blue Sodas" Somi Cuts in

"Okay!! , Friends of James?" He asked us , "Yeah ~ We Are all from the same School" I said to him

"Ah ~ I see" he said , a few minutes later he passed us the drinks "James is Outside , you guys better say hi to him" he said

"Thanks , We will" Somi said and we both walked outside to see James

"James" I called out to him , The Blue Haired boy heard me and Quickly ran over to us "Hello! Vernon"

"Come , I was just talking  to pinky chungha s.coups and hoshi , Join us" He said

"Wait , Pinky is already here?" Somi said in a disbelief tone

"Yeah , She is your BFF right , damn her Boyfriend is smoking Hot!!! Legit S.coups"

"S.Coups! Damn I haven't seen him since that Trip to Tokyo" I said to James

"Come on" James added and pulls the both us back in the house where The others are at

"Hey Guys!!" James said "Look who I found" he push me and Somi to the table where our friends are at

"Oh!! S.coups!!!" I said happily and fist bumped him "How are you man" I added

"Dude!! It's been awhile huh" He said "Yeah!!! Totally"

"Ahem , Pinky what are you doing here?" Somi said and Pinky stares at her "Can we talk" Somi added , Pinky sighs "If I have too" She got up and Pull S.coups tie and kiss him on the lips

"Don't Miss me" she said clearly , I looked at Somi , She seems Angry at her , I put my arm on her shoulders "Somi ...."

"Let's go" Pinky grabs Somi arms and they both exited the house

"Wow .... that's was ......" James looked at us "Nevermind !!! Who wants Root beer"


Somi's POV

"What's is wrong with you?" I asked her as soon as we step out from the house

"What do you want to Talk about Make is quick okay my Bae is waiting for me" pink fold her arms and said

I stare at her , "look , I m sorry I went to the party with Vernon instead of you , He is mine Friend from Summer camp" I started

"It's okay , I wanted to tell something as well" She said

"S.coups and I have been dating for 2 weeks now sorry i wanted to tell you but I just can seem to find the right time" she said to me


"Sorry Somi , But I just can't ..... I m very sorry , Remember when I told you it's my last year here ?"

I nod "I m moving to China with S.Coups ~ His Uncle happens to work at the school there so I gonna a scholarship with him and I m going with him"

"Pinky .... I m not gonna stop you , if this is what you want then okay" i said as I walked off

Vernon's POV

"Somi" I called out to her as i saw seating alone

"I had a fight with Pinky" she said to me "I know ..... pinky and S.coups left awhile ago

Somi sighs

"Should i say sorry or should i confess my feelings?"I said without thinking.Ahhh pabo what am i talking..now she isn't answering me. "I..i,"Somi stuttered.

"What I meant to say was ......" I don't know what say to Somi , She smiles at me

Just act cool and smile back

When I met you in summer Camp [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now