Letters to God

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I always wonder what God is thinking about us so I just thought for the fun I write letters to God and who knows maybe one day he will answer them or something to me :).



Dear God

 well todays a good day I gave my life back to you and Jesus Christ I feel really good I did. :) i'm much happier now ..no more..depression....no more suicidal thoughts....no more feeling worthless..... knowing you God brings Joy to me .. and I hope for others to one day.... God I wonder what your thinking now when i'm writing this???  I really do wonder.. ?? I wonder what you think about my Bible Buddies group??? weird question huh??  I wonder how you wake us up ??? I'm always wondering God, when were praising and worshipping you when we lift our hands I've always thought like maybe when were doing that like some stuff is exiting our body that we don't see.... and your are taking it away the bad things thought but only you know......

Wanna thank you for reading if you maybe know the answer to any off these questions please post comment :)

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