almost done

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Dear God

God thank you for everything im really blessed to be here im 100% done in my trade i Just Certify on Januaray 15 for my Trade CNA (Certified Nursing Assisstant) im nervous but gonna keep studying then im out of this place. :) i did have bunch of scares though being here from being really sick to almost passing out and not being able to breathe but i trust God that he is and will Heal Me. its been 2 or 3 months since i havent been to my church back at home and im so excited for december 21 i will finally be able to go to my church :D I reallyy WANNA THANK YOU ALL FOR READING MY LETTERS I WILL TRY TO UPDATE MORE AND APPRECIATE YOU GUYS :D.

All so God i wonder what your thinking right now is CNA gonna be my job for the rest of my life or will i go higher what are YOUR PLANS GOD NOT MINE BUT YOURS. :D.

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