Malefic Cinderella

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Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom, Peaceful, Prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition. There lived a beautiful lady. She was a diligent, painstaking maid who worked throughout the day from the crack of dawn to dusk in the ranch to feed her family. She was the single breadwinner of her family. Walking along the stream on the soft green grass in a smooth gust of air filled with the enchanting fragrance of flowers, she was the meticulous maid with beautiful hair of gold sunshine and lips that ashamed red roses. The maiden named Gloria. She was named so as she was the glory for her family. She was so lovely in the temperament that all good things got bashful ahead her appealing nature.

Fall of Bliss

The days passed away and the time came when Gloria got married to a peasant of her village. Their marital life was moving pleasantly. Gloria gave birth to very charming twin baby girls and named them Anastasia and Drizella. Gloria worked with her husband in the farms throughout the day, and they earned enough to pass their lives peacefully. But after a few months, unfortunately, the pleasing time turned into the terrible one. Gloria's husband's attitude went on changing day by day, and he started to be enraged at her for no reason. After a few days, he married another woman and threw Gloria and her twin daughters out of his home unmercifully.

Other Side of Faraway Land

On the other side, there lived a merchant with his wife and daughter named Cinderella. They lived in a stately chateau. She was the only child of the merchant who born after many years of craves and pleads toward God. Indeed she grew up in beauty and grace, but there was something strange in her habits which no one ever knew but her parents. Her each and every demand was fulfilled by her darling parents. The day was passing by then one day, the wife of merchant died within an accident. The merchant became depressed after the death of her beloved wife. He was giving all his love to his precious daughter, but there was some lack. Lack of a mother's love. A need of a mother for a growing young girl. Finally, the merchant decided to marry a woman to give her daughter a mother.

Union of Fates

One beautiful morning, when the flowers were in full bloom, and the fragrance of nature was elated in the whole land, the merchant went to the nearby market for the selling of goods. Whether that was mercy or the cruelty of time, whatever we can call it, on the same morning Gloria also went to the same nearby market to buy few households. She was buying some items when she got the sight of merchant in front of her. On the same time, the merchant also looked at her. Eyes of both got a grip of each other. Gloria couldn't bear the heaviness of his strange stare. He just looked and stared so deep in her eyes. She got a heavy heartbeat. He touched her internally with a gaze. Merchant felt the same as she felt. She left the place immediately, ran into the woods, and crossed a sparkling stream of water in her way. Releasing herself at the edge of the stream and looked into her reflection and begged her heart to get natural. She felt warm liquid gathered in her eyes, she closed her eyes, and a tear fell down in the stream and disappeared. She thought that whatever she lost in the past had just flood away like this tear. If she had a feeling for him, she should face him. She was just talking to her reflection when she felt that someone was watching her. Yes! He was the merchant who followed her into the gloomy woods. The merchant came near to her and wiped her tears. She melted into him and accepted the storm that came in her life. The merchant married Gloria.

Rising Issues

Cinderella was unhappy about the marriage of his father. She didn't accept Gloria as her mother. Gloria tried her best to become adorable for her stepdaughter but all in vain. Anastasia and Drizella were the age fellows of Cinderella. Cinderella used to trick three by blaming them as evil in front of her father and people. The merchant became sad of all day by day arising issues from Cinderella and died after few months of marriage. Cinderella accused her step-mother of the death of his father. Cinderella was jealous of her step-sisters. She always kept trying new tricks to rag her step-mother and her step-sisters. Gloria was so disturbed by Cinderella's behavior. She tried her best to give love to Cinderella, but Cinderella always made opposite of that. The seasons passed away, and three little girls were grown up into young ladies.

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