Chapter 3

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Author's Note:

I know this chapter is short. I'm going to write longer ones during the break.

Mark Thomeli is played by Ed Westwick.


1:  Mark Thomeli

2: Jaycee Wilhite

3: Laycee Wilhite

4: Gabrial Connowitz

5: Steven Davis

I found this a game. They took something from me and now it was my turn. I was going to take away their lives. Looking at the list, I headed towards Mark Thomeli's house.

It felt like I walked 30 miles to get to his house. I checked the time. 4:30 p.m. I promised my mom to be home at 7:30. I slowly walked to Mark's backyard. I looked up to find a window with the curtains open. I looked around and silently thanked whoever left the ladder there. I found gloves and put it on, so I would have no fingerprints left for evidence. I tied my hair in a bun and put my hat on making sure no hair follicles would fall around. I climbed up. As I climbed, my bottle of sleeping acid fell. I jumped back down and poured some of it on a piece of napkin and put the napkin in my back pocket. I quickly put the bottle back in my bag and climbed faster than before. Half of me didn't know what to do when I got there, but the other half of me said 'Destroy him'. As I jumped into the bedroom, I realized I was in his sister's room. I smiled to myself, as I heard tiny footsteps coming in. I quickly took off my bag off my back and took out one of the pocketknives.

"Who are you?" Mark's sister said. She stopped at the doorstep. She walked around me in a circle, trying to intimidate me. Big mistake.

"I'm a friend of your brother's. Can you show where he is?" I said sweetly not trying not to seem harmful.

"He's taking a nap. Wait how'd you get in? Also, why are you in my room? Do you need something?"

"Too many questions sweetheart." I told her. I felt something in my back pocket and realized that I had put a sleeping acid in my back pocket. This was perfect. It would make her fall asleep and forget about what just happened.

I grabbed her before she could ask me another question or scream. She tried to scratch and kick but, I wouldn't let go. I dabbed some of the sleeping acid by her mouth and nose and she dropped to the floor. I quickly put her in her bed and hurried to find Mark.

He was on his bed sleeping. I got my pocketknife out and hid it behind me. I pushed Mark off the bed waking him up.

"What the..! Who are you?" He said to me. It was just now that I realized that this was Mark "The Thugg" from my school. Everybody thought he was cool and dangerous. How dare he try to act like he don't know me.

"Lilliana," he said with a smirk. He was still on the floor, but now he had gotten into a comfortable position. "How's life?"

"Are you trying to imitate me? You think this is funny? I'll show you funny." I said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about. I know you killed him and got away with it."

He looked sort of scared and then he relaxed again. I was so going to kill him. He looked up at me, took a deep breath and said "OK, so it was me. What are you going to do? Call the cops. If you even try to tell the cops, not only am I having people hurt your family, I'm going to hurt Michael's family , too. You don't want to see your precious Michael get hurt, do you? The cops won't believe you bacause I stole a car from a guy we found drunk, which we used. They thought he killed Trey because he was intoxicated. Ha, idiots."

"THAT'S IT!" I said with all the rage. I took the knife and stabbed him in his leg. He grabbed my hand trying to move me off of him. Every time he tried to pull me away with his hand, I would stab him multiple times. Someone died because of him. Someone went to jail for no reason because of him. I quickly turned him over and had him laying on his stomach. I grabbed his neck into a headlock and twisted it. I tried to stab him in the neck but he held my hands down. He got me angrier by the minute. I remembered I had another knife in my bag, which was laying right next to where we were fighting. I grabbed it with my free hand and stabbed him repeatedly in the neck. There was five people who helped kill my brother, so I stabbed him five more times until I was satisfied. I remembered the acid in my back pocket. It was still there. I grabbed it and poured it on his back and took out my liter from my backpack. I lit the liter where I had poured the acid. The fire quickly started spreading. I got excited this was it. He was still fighting the fire, so I stood by the door. He stopped kicking and screaming. I got closer and put my hand to his neck to feel his pulse. Nothing.

I took off the bloody gloves and found a plastic bag. I threw it in there and went to the rest room to get paper towel to wipe the blood off my knives.  Looking at the bruised marks on my face, I covered them with a concealer I found in the bathroom.I put my liter, sleeping acid, two knives and the plastic bag with the gloves in it back in my bag. I took out my notebook and put a check next to Mark's name.

1:  Mark Thomeli

2: Jaycee Wilhite

3: Laycee Wilhite

4: Gabrial Connowitz

5: Steven Davis

I put my notebook back in my bag and closed his door, carefully making sure not leave any prints. I walked back to his sister's room and climbed out her window closing and locking it behind as I left. It was then that i realized I had just killed someone. I was terrified, yet satisfied.

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