Chapter 3:The Journey

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He Kissed me on T...T...THE LIPS!😲

When he kissed me my Life seemed to flash before my eyes
I...I...I had fallen for him

When he kissed me It seemed to Last forever...His Lips were as soft as a babies cheek...His eyes were blue like the beautiful sky He loved me and i loved him too

He....He....He stole my first kiss...

I walked home as red as a tomato When I got home Garroth was standing at my door as if he was knocking on my door waiting for an answer...

I said Happily "hey garroth!" he terned around looking at me as if he just saw a ghost and than slowly smiled and said "oh hello (Y/N) I thought you were home...but...I Guess not..." I said "Sorry i had to talk with Laurance about the trip he seems very worried" "Yeah he does"Said Garroth "well its getting late you should go home Garroth..."I said "Well ok...see you tomorrow m'lady"said Garroth.

I walked into the house...Went up stairs and sat on my bed...





I was poring tears from my eyes...

I am Weak...I can't even Tell them how i feel......i can't evan kiss someone i really love....i couldn't even bear if someone were to die bye my hand...

The Lives i would have to take to protect the villagers in my own village

The Lives of people,hearts,and evan soles of the villagers rest on my shoulders and if i were to let one slip i...i...i would kill my self...i could not bare living without anyone I knew to not be here in this realm

I the Lord of Phoenix drop will take the burden of the deaths in the village and protect the people i love and the loved ones of my villagers and i will never kill for my personal reasons i will never give up without giving a fight i have promised this village my life i will do anything to protect them no matter the cost...even my life,my emotions and my body...

       I have a complicated mind,heart,and emotions please don't play with them you might drop me down a canyon and if you do we won't see each other again ever so please if you really love me go a head i am here with open arms but please don't make me run or you might louse me...

Someone else might take me so please don't make this complicated

Just tell me......

Tell me that you.......

              Love me.......

              Love me

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