Chapter 7:I failed...

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Laurance POV
I have failed to protect the person i love...
Now she is dead i am going to die
*hears Muffled voices*
Can you hear me oh no they took (Y/N)!!!
Hang on to me Laurance were going to go find Aph!!!"Said a voice
Huh that kinda sounded like Garroth...

Garroths POV
Huh is that Laurance on the floor
"Hey Laurence are you taking a nap???
Oh no...
Can you hear me?!?!
Oh no the took (Y/N)!!!"
No time...
"Hang onto me Laurance were going to go find Aph to heal you..."
I ran as fast as i could to Aphmau "Aphmau!!!"
"What is it Garrot-..."Said Aphmau
"Oh no that means..."

Aphmaus POV
Oh no Laurance!!!
"Quick bring him in"
A bright flare of light was circling around Laurance than he was healed...
He fell into a coma
Asleep for a few days but what
Happens when he's asleep find out in the next chapter...

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