Habits Dont Die

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I woke up with sweat gathering throughout my body and my hands shaking uncontrollably. It's just a dream. Just a nightmare.

I breathed in heavily and put my head in my hands, deciding on whether or not I wanted to stay and sleep, or go out.

Standing up, an instant wave of dizziness overcome me and instantly I sat back down. Once it had gone, I stood up and walked out of my room and into the living room. I had my clothes on from the night before as I fell asleep wearing them. I didn't care to change them. I grabbed my medication pot and took a total of 7 tablets.

The air was cold, almost too cold, but it was tolerable. My first stop was the shop for some food. I had only thirty pounds for some food to last me for however long it took to get a job and money, which wasnt going to be a while. Maybe I wasn't ready to be free from that place again.

I opened the door to the old shop and walked in, feeling the warmth of the shop instantly warm me up. I sighed and look around, looking for the cheapest food and ready-made meals. I got about four meals and some little things, resulting in me having only 10 pounds left. I looked around and my eyes set on the sign at the back of the counter. My eyes shifted from packet to packet, reading the same 'smoking kills' on every pack. I asked for one.

I put my food on the counter and waited for the old lady to scan my things. Then, I handed her the money, received the change and walked out. Fortunately, I wasn't far away from the shops at my apartment so it only took a few minutes to walk from there.

The food was away and my hands instantly grasped around the cigarette packet. My hands were slightly shaking, just at the thought of letting old habits take over again, but I ignored the nagging feeling. I walked over to my balcony and stood there, pondering over the city lights of London. It wasn't too far up, but far enough to have a good view. Slowly, I took out a cigarette out of the pack and put the rest away, holding it in between my fingers. I took out my lighter and put the cigarette to my lips cautiously, sparking the lighter and lighting it. The smoke drifted through the cool air and instant relief washed over my body. I had forgotten what this had felt like.

The cigarette seemed to burn to quick and I was determined to have another, until that was gone and my head felt blurry. I had to find a job. I have no money, a barely liveable apartment, no food and a shit phone that can't do anything except call my therapist. I'd turn into a lonely old man, who sits in his house all day, smoking his problems away. I didn't want to be that person.

I set out for the second time today and walked to the little set of shops around the area. There were a few signs saying they were taking on new members of staff, so I thought I would consider those. A small café sat on the corner of a street, a sign in the window saying 'Taking On New Employees. Desperately Needed'.

I walked in and strolled up to the counter, waiting to talk to a girl who approached the other customers.

"Hey, how may I help you?" She asked with a high, sweet voice.

"I, um, saw the sign on the window and was wondering if I could apply for a job here?" I asked nervously and she nodded slowly.

"Okay sure! I'll just get the manager to give you a form and all of the information" she smiled and walked into the back. I tapped my finger on the desk and looked around at the café. Only a few people were in here. A man sat with another guy, one had shoulder length hair and the other had short hair with a small beard growing.

"Here you go" she smiled and handed me the sheets and what I needed to give her. I smiled and nodded back, walking out and giving her a small nod. Maybe it wasn't going to be so bad, maybe if I get this job things might go okay from now on. Maybe I'll get my life sorted and I won't have to live rough and worry about all the little things.

I walked home and sat on the couch, looking down at this sheet with confusion. It said I needed to print off sheets and talk about my past jobs. I knew what I needed to do, but I didn't have the right equipment. I knew someone who might though.

I dialled the number off of the sheet on the counter and waited.

"Hey Kyle, I need your help"

Two Evils Bastille/Dan Smith FanFictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora