Good Day Out

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"Don't forget to take your tablets" Kyle said as he walked into the messy living room. I stood up, wiping my eyes and walked to the kitchen. A glass of water was on the side so I drank some with the multiple pills that were in my hand.

"Are we going to your house?" I asked as I gulped down the mouthful of tablets.

"Oh shit yeah we should get there soon" he said quickly, realising the time.

"I'm ready so whenever you are" I said and he nodded approvingly. I sat while he got his stuff together and we walked out of my door and down the steps, being greeted by the infamous car that belonged to my therapist. We drove for a little while but soon arrived at a moderately large house. It looked so nice.

"It's like you've never seen a house before" he laughed as we got out. I didn't laugh, just walked behind him as we arrived at his doorstop. I had also seen his house before, but this time I looked at it in more detail. Kyle unlocked the door and we walked in with the sound of cats purring. I looked down to see a ginger cat and a grey and black cat.

"Oh my god" I said and instantly kneeled down to stroke them. The ginger one raised its head so I could stroke it and rubbed it's body against me.

"That ones, well Sharky. It was my brothers old cat, hence the name" he laughed nervously and I chuckled, looking back down at the adorable cat. "And this ones Simon" the grey cat was being stroked by Kyle.

"Nice names" I laughed and he nodded looking slightly embarrassed. As he walked away I followed him, receiving a drink that was inside his fridge. The cats follower, meowing for some food. Kyle automatically got out a pouch of food and put them into their bowls.

"I want a cat" I said laughing.

"They are a big responsibility" he laughed sarcastically.

"I bet they are" I replied and he smirked, doing some things around the house."It's Christmas soon, do you think you'll see much of your family?" I asked.

"Probably, I was meant to ask. Do you want to spend Christmas with me? I really don't mind, and if Emily was out you could have spent it with her. It's okay if you say no" he asked and I felt my stomach turn, in a good way. He wanted me, the weird, mentally challenged kid to spend Christmas with him and his probably nice and well looking family?

"Really?" I managed to say and he nodded happily, almost happy at my response. "Sure, but I don't want to be a downer" I said, feeling nervous.

"It's fine, I'll buy them some chocolates or something from you to them so it seems like you're being nice, I know you don't have a lot of money right now and Christmas is in a week" he explained and I nodded, smiling.

"Thank you, it means a lot" I say and stand up to face him.

"We can go shopping today, I need some things for the house anyway" he offered and I nodded instantly. It wasn't that I didn't want to be in his presence alone, I just needed some space among other people. "Let's go then" it was only nine forty five so it shouldn't be too busy, but it's London so it's busy a lot of the time.

"My sister wears a lot of oversized fluffy shit, do you think she'll like this?" Kyle asked me, looking deadly serious. It was a mustard colour with black stripes. It was hideous.

"No offence Kyle but I really don't like it" I chuckled and he laughed, eyeing it up and down not seeing where the fault is. "The colour is terrible and from the photos you've shown me, it'll look terrible on her" I explained honestly.

"Ill put it back" he said, laughing and looking around for more clothes. Two grown men in a woman's store, this wasn't going to end well. I saw a grey long jumper, with three quarter length sleeves hang on a hanger.

"What about this, it looks similar to her style" I asked and he frowned.

"Looks hideous" he mocked me and I pushed him, unaware of my strength, and he stumbled into a rack of shoes, sending them flying around the shop floor. I covered my face laughing, while Kyle was on the floor in a heap of shoes.

"Sorry" I managed to get out through my laughter and he looked at me angrily, which made me laugh harder. I put my hand out and he grabbed it, getting up but pushing me to the ground. I landed on shoes and I laughed even harder, feeling embassies.

"Sorry" he mocked me again as I got up, trying to clear up the mess we had made. A woman from across the room shot us a death stare, so we tried to act like regular humans. "Yeah it's nice, we should get it" he acted innocent like nothing had happened. I gave him a goofy smile and walked to the counter with him. We payed and walked out.

"I can't believe you pushed me over" he laughed and I shrugged.

"I did warn you in the car I'm not to be trusted in public" I laughed and he smirked.

We had done some more shopping and I had bought a new pair of converse. Four bags hung off of my arms and Kyle had three, and to be honest we looked like girls on a shopping haul. There was small coffee shop on the corner of the street so we decided to go in and get something to eat. As we sat down, a waiter came over to us.

"Hello, may I take your order" she smiled politely and I nodded.

"Can I have a coffee and a chocolate muffin please" I asked and she nodded, gesturing to Kyle to say his order.

"Uhm, I'll have the same please" he smiled and she giggled.

"Cute. Okay I'll have your stuff over soon" she smiled.

"What do you mean cute?" Kyle asked, squinting at her and she looked frozen.

"Oh, you two are cute together that's all, getting the same order and stuff" she laughed and Kyle went a bright red colour.

"Sorry to disappoint, we aren't together, but thanks anyway" I laughed and she giggled, realising and looking slightly embarrassed. "It's okay people get it wrong all the time" I lied and she smiled, walking away with the sheet of paper.

"People never assume that" Kyle said confused.

"It was to make her feel better and less embarrassed" I explained and he nodded slightly, understanding, well at least I think he did.

"Thanks for today, again it's been great." I said and he smiled, fiddling with the bracelet that was wrapped around his slender wrist.

"It's cool, anytime. Didn't expect me to become good friends with my former patient though. But it's been great" he laughed and I chuckled slightly. His eyes wrinkled as he smiled, and his beard moved around.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to be friends with my therapist to be honest" I said, spotting the waiter coming back over with our drinks and muffins. Kyle and I said a quick 'thank you' and she walked off to collect more orders. I stirred my coffee and added sugar and milk, taking in the smell. I hadn't had a coffee from a café in a while and it smelt delicious.

After numerous conversations, we left the little shop and made our way back to the car. The bags were thrown into the backseat and we got into the front.

"Right, shall I drop you off at home? I need to be back home for a while and I have work tomorrow so I can't stay" he said. If he didn't have work, did he actually want to stay again?

"Yeah that sounds cool" I said, slightly disappointed that he had to go home now. He turned the engine on and we drove for a while before reaching my apartment block. It was already seven thirty, and it was dark. We had been out all day and I was honestly so tired.

"Well I'll see you whenever, just give me a call or text if you want to hang out or something" he explained as I grabbed a bag that was mine.

"I will do, thanks for today. Bye" I said, waving as I walked off down the concrete and into the building, where i walked up the steps and into my house. It was cold, and looked creepily dark. I mumbled to myself as I put away the shopping I had done, and cooked some microwave food before I had to shower.

Once I had showered and ate, it was quarter past nine so I decided to go to bed as I was shattered. As soon as my head hit my pillow I was pulled into a sleep that I was reluctant to never end.

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