Chapter One

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"Did you hear that Zachary and Kelsey are dating now?" Marissa said, bouncing up and down impatiently on her toes.

"Yes Marissa, but once again, I'm not interested in the schools gossip." I replied, shoving my binder into my locker.

"But you learn about so many people! It's so exciting." Marissa said.

"Are you ever going to talk to those people?" I asked her while closing my locker.

"No?" She said, confused.

"Exactly, so there's no need to talk about them." I said with a sigh. "I have to go to class, see you later." I said, turning around and heading to my first block.

"See you.." Marissa said from behind me.


"Today we're going to be talking about mitosis. Does anyone know what mitosis is?" Ms.Jenson asked.

I stretched my arm up.

"Kiah?" She asked.

"Mitosis is the cycle of division occurring within cells. It contains the prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Then you can count interphase but that's technically part of the cell cycle." I said, reciting from memory.

"Excellent job Kiah. That's spot on." Ms.Jenson said. She turned around and began writing something on the board. I pulled out my textbook and opened to the page we left off from last class.

"What a nerd." Christopher said from behind me.

I heard giggling coming from the whole class. I just shook my head and started reading section one.

"Is it lonely? You know, not having any friends?" Chris asked again.

Then more laughing.

My face turned bright red and I lowered my head.

"She has friends, they're just goodie two shoes too." Kyle said from behind me.

"Not as bad of a goodie two shoes as Kiah." Chris said.

The class erupted in laughter again.

Ms.Jenson turned back around and began going over the lesson, clearly not aware of what just went on.

"So we're going to move on and read section one to section two in our textbooks. Does everyone have a book?"

"I forgot mine, can I share with Nick?" Christopher asked.

"You two will not be working together." Ms.Jenson replied. "I'd like you to work with Kiah." Ms.Jenson said.

"Ooh.. I'm just not sure about that. Her weirdness is just going to rub off and infect me." Chris said, adding in a fake cough at the end of his sentence.

"Christopher, there will be no teasing in this classroom. In fact, I'd like you to go down to Principal Millers office immediately." The teacher said.

I felt a wave of relief and began reading from my textbook again. Chris walked past me with his backpack.

"Miller is better than her." He said, locking eyes with me and emphasizing 'her'.

I rolled my eyes and continued working in the textbook until the bell rang.
"Chris is an idiot don't listen to him." Marissa said after I explained what went on in Biology.

"Of course I know that, but it's annoying. I know I get good grades and raise my hand often, but isn't that good?" I asked, stopping to let a car go by.

"It is good! They most likely don't have plans to go to college, so they think it's fine to goof around and not do any work."

"I'll text you tonight." I said turning into my driveway.

"Don't forget!" Marissa said, as she continued next door.

I walked up the front steps and opened the door. No one was home as usual, so I went upstairs to my room and got to work on my Geometry homework.

I realized how quickly I was going through my homework. How easy it was for me. Was it this easy for everyone else? Maybe I am an over achiever. Is that bad?

My mind was racing with thoughts and questions.

Maybe everyone is right. I need to stop being right all the time. I need to know it's alright to make mistakes.

I heard the front door open, and immediately knew it was my mom.

I crumpled up my homework and threw it in my trash can, and headed downstairs to greet my mom.

"So how are your grades?" My dad asked, taking a bite of his salad.

"Great, actually. We had a Chemistry test today, I think I'm getting 100%." I said, wincing a little as I said it.

"That's my girl." My dad said taking another bite.

"How are Marissa and Claire doing?" My mom asked, chewing on a piece of lettuce.

"Good I guess. Keeping their grades up. Studying." I said, not exactly telling the complete truth.

"That's good." My mom said.

I stood up and rinsed my dish and dried it and headed upstairs to my room.

I began to pack my bag for school tomorrow. I tossed my Biology textbook in my closet along with the rest of my homework.

I shuddered. This was harder than I thought it was going to be.

I then moved on to picking out my outfit for tomorrow. I looked down at my own outfit I was wearing now: a plaid skirt, with a collared shirt and a sweater over it.

Did I really look like a nerd? I wondered.

I dug through my drawers and found, at the bottom, a pair of dark wash jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Then, I searched my through my closet and found a scarf with watercolored orange, pink, and green on it. I found my old green running shoes in my closet and set it all out for the morning.

"There's no more 'Kiah the good girl'." I said to myself. And I went to bed.

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