Wasnt expecting that...

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Once upon a whim a girl sat alone with her cat stroking its long dappled brown/cream fur. Deep in thought, her cat took notice of and rubbed his muzzle along her knuckles. She laughed and looked down at the cat with little white mittens, "Why Reese my little angel what do you want now?" He looked up at her hopefully and jumped off her lap flicking his tail. His amber eyes glowed with interest as he peered out the window leading her to the kitchen downstairs. "Oh Reese you silly cat!" She said bending down to ruffle his head "Your just hungry aren't you?" She reached up to grab his food in the cabinet when a knife whirled past hitting the food bag. The girl gasped grabbing Reese and running to her room locking the door and climbing out her window onto her balcony before remembering she was on the second floor. "Oh my goodness Reese!" She said addressing her turtle shelled friend. "What are we going to do now!" And that's when it happened her cat from 5 years turned into a...


. dun


. Dun



Time traveling wizard

come back to save her from a horrible



So Happy Mewyear (ha ha see what I did there PUNNN) but seriously have a good one!


My crazy brainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang