Higher Love

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Anthony sat down on his beaten up couch, letting out a loud sigh. It had been a long day at work and he'd wanted nothing but to kick back his feet. He closed his eyes, starting to fall asleep until he heard it again.

The beautiful melodies that flowed from the room above his always brightened his day. Her voice... it was so mellow and smooth. He smiled wide, singing along with the familiar song.

"Bring me a higher love!" He sang loudly, looking up at the roof and sighing quietly. He listened to her sing every day, and he found her voice extremely soothing. He had never seen her face, but he could already tell she was beautiful. He was in love with a woman that he had never seen, or spoken to.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Anthony stood, stretching and yawning quietly. He opened the door, revealing a girl with dripping wet hair. "Do you sing?" She asked.

Anthony raised his eyebrow. "Well, yeah... I mean... not often. Who are you?"

"My name's Jasmine, I live in the apartment above you," She said. "I heard you singing before. I wanted to tell you that you're really good."

Anthony's eyes widened. He looked her up and down, a wide smile spreading across his face. "You're the girl that sings in the shower every afternoon?" He asked. Jasmine nodded slowly.

"I'm Anthony. Anthony Ramos. I, uh, I've listened to you sing every day since you moved in and... I love your voice a lot. Even if my day is terrible, your voice makes it better. I'd love to take you out some time, if it wouldn't be too much to ask," He said, a light blush covering his cheek.

Jasmine smiled. "I'd like that. But if you don't mind, I really have to go dry my hair. I'll see you around, I'm sure?"

"Y-Yeah. See you around."

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