Chapter 2

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Vanessa never finished what she was going to say. I have no idea whether she was going to apologize, or yell at me again. Who knows. I am just a screw up. A mistake.
"So girls, how was your day?" My mother's boyfriend, Derrick, is a total crack. Not a cute crack, no. A full of crap, deep as the Grand Canyon, kind of butt crack.
"It was fine," Vanessa said, barely loud enough to hear. No one else said anything for the rest of the meal.
"Vinnie. Will you help me with the dishes?" My mother questioned as she started to pick up the plates.
"I-I guess," I stammered.
"Great," my mother exclaimed as she gathered a glass from the table. My mother apparently can not multi task. "Aw. Not another cup. Man."
I started to bend down and grab the glass pieces, but my mom just screamed.
"Stop! Vinnie do not touch that!"
"Wha-," I began, as I jolted up, hitting my head on the table.
"Vinnie! You idiot!" Derrick yelled. "You don't just pick up sharp glass. God, I thought you were the smart one. Obviously I was mistaken." He turns to leave, glancing at Vanessa for a moment, then gliding out of the room.
Vanessa meanders over to me. "Hey, you ok?"
I get up off the ground, and put my hand through my hair. "Ya. Fine." I turn and run up the stairs, running to my room. I slam my bedroom door closed, and climb under my covers, and cry into my pillow.
I don't understand. Why does mom never stand up for Vanessa? For me? Why is she still with that, that? Ugh.I don't even know what to call him anymore. He is just so mean. Derrick pretends to be nice, but really he is the devil. Every night, we gather around the table, he tries to talk, but we never feel like talking. As soon as it is over, either Vanessa or I slip up. He screams. Tells us we are not perfect. I may not be very happy with Vanessa right now, but the difference between Derrick and Vanessa is that, she has a heart. Derrick has a computer program implanted in his brain, and a software in his chest. His is here to break us, to break me. Well, he broke me.

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