Where it begins

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Sandstorm looked down at her two mewling kits as Blazekit opened her eyes she pawed at her father's tail. Firestar looked down at his kit."she will be a great warrior don't you Sandstorm?" Firestar asked."yes she has the heart of a cat and strength like a wild fire."Sandstorm replied. Mistkit opened her eyes slightly and squeaked and cuddled with her mother."She could become a medicine cat or a warrior." Firestar commented. "Yes she has love of a butterfly and spirit of an icey soul." Sandstorm added. Firestar nodded in agreement.

"Firestar!" Whitestorm panted. "We're being attacked by wind clan!" Firestar nodded. Whitestorm ran back into battle when a fire raged."SANDSTORM PROTECT THE KITS!" Firestar shouted. Sandstorm picked the kits up by the scruff into a cave with food and water.The kits fur glowed Mistkit's icey blue and Blazekit's fiery red. Sandstorm looked in confusion when the war and fire suddenly stopped.
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"WAKE UP MISTKIT MOM SAID TO GET UP BEFORE SHE POUNCES ON YOU LIKE ME WITH A VOLE!" Blazekit shouted across from Mistkit's room. "Why!" Mistkit complained. "Get up or I will pounce on you before mom does." Blazekit snorted. "FINE..."Mistkit staggered to her paws and went to the fresh kill pile for breakfast."There you are Mistkit and Blazekit, eat breakfast before it turns to crow food." Sandstorm smiled at her two kits eating there breakfast."Hello Sandstorm are the kits eating?"Firestar asked. "Yes they are." Sandstorm gleamed. Blazekit looked outside it was snowing from leaf bare. She and Mistkit played and bounded in it. Blazekit shook snow off of her muzzle laughing.
Mistkit and Blazekit played together in the snow until dusk. They both walked in sleepy and curled up with there mother and slept.

Tigerstar yawned and he looked evilly at the shadow clan entrance." I see Firestar has kits now hehe maybe I will take a look or take one for free!" he laughed in his evil laugh and set off to thunder clan.

When he arrived he snuck into the kits den and looked at the two sleeping kits. He took both of them and he put them in the prisoners den. "Hehe wake up Firestar I have a surprise for you waiting." He laughed.

Warriors: Miricals (IN MAJOR EDITING :P)Where stories live. Discover now