The Big Lie

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"Is this star clan?" Blazekit asked trying to avoid the fact that she didn't know who her father was." That's off topic and yes it is." Bluestar spat. Suddenly it was dark. Why can't I see? Oh..... OH NO I'M WAKE ING UP NOOOOOOO!!!

"OOF" Blazekit coughed. "Mistkit get off of me before I shred you into pieces of fur!" Blazekit grumbled."FINE grumpy cat." Mistkit snickered. Should I tell Mistkit? Bluestar's voice echoed in her head. "Tell her when she is ready." She whispered from starclan. Blazekit looked as if she saw a ghost."sis u ok? You look like you saw a ghost or somthing." Her sister teased. "Oh close your mouse trap Mistkit!" Blazekit muttered.

Warriors: Miricals (IN MAJOR EDITING :P)Where stories live. Discover now