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A dull black and grey wheelchair halted in the centre of the room, a blank gaze aimed at the wall in front when the door opened behind her. Elodie Carl was fourteen, with bright eyes and limp hair. she breathed in only to burst into a coughing fit which pained her throat and chest until she poured water down her throat. Light footsteps made her turn.

"Hi there Ellie" She smiled slightly

"Hi Chess. who're you with?" She could hear the second person's footsteps when they walked towards her. A hand took her own

"I'm Todrick"

"Todrick?" She relaxed a little as if realising who he was. "Todrick. Chess finally told you?" Chester shook his head

"I thought you should" She nodded while introducing herself

"Elodie" Todrick noticed that she still looked ahead when she spoke. She smiled slightly while feeling where he was. "Move so I can see you" At a nod from Chester he moved in front of her. "Huh. he described you well" Todrick looked back at him as Chester turned, looking away. Elodie continued.

"I'm his charge. my parents abandoned me with him when i was one year old. they left his house and never came back for me. look at my eyes and you'll see why" He looked at her eyes. they were almost misted over as he realised. "I was born with advanced retinitis pigmentosa, i can only see ahead, in three or more years i'll be blind." She coughed again, holding her throat afterwards "Pretty soon i'll die." Chester explained quietly

"She's had emphysema for eight years. it's a non contagious form but she could..." He trailed off as Elodie smiled sadly

"I know. just said it didn't I? I'm sorry Chess, i'm blunt" She looked around and broke their hearts by whispering. "I don't want to go..."

After Band Camp (aka Little Family)Where stories live. Discover now