Cameras, lights... rain

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Chester was sweetly excited all day until they got to shoot the video. At the end he sang his own song 

"Now i know

we don't always agree

guess that's the world's way

just believe me

when i say

if i could bring the whole world to a stand still

with my voice

i'd sing so loud

but you could bring my whole life to a stand still

with no voice

i'm insanely proud

if i could make the whole world see through my eyes

they'd know

what i can see

but you need no eyes to always surprise

me with all

the things you see

the things you say

the way you say them

you wouldn't think that you're a teen

the way you speak

can't help but listen

cos you've always seen

you can make me see

you can make everybody see

life's a tune

and you're the reason

you're my melody

my melody i can see

you've proved

to me

you don't need sight to see

you don't need sight to see

you don't 

need sight to see

my melody



my melody" Todrick stared as the final note hung in the air. Chester's voice was... celestial! gorgeous! so perfect!

"Snatched boots!" The video ended as Chester blushed, laughing slightly as it started. one drop fell on Todrick's forehead, a second wetting Chester's hair as they got up to walk back to a cafe for shelter. five seconds later it started pouring down as they started running, Chester laughing as the raindrops streaked his face. His laugh was so infectious that Todrick couldn't help joining in. Chester grinned when they saw an archway of shelter, whispering

"Race you" Todrick blinked before running after him, laughing when he caught him by his arms against the wall.

"Y'all beat me" Chester laughed, calming down he panted slightly, still smiling when he looked back at Todrick, his velvet eyes shining endearingly as Todrick let go. He leaned against the wall still panting slightly, hiding a smile by looking down but his eyes looked up at Todrick. He moved away to let Chester get away from the wall. the rain still poured down around them as he  took off his jacket and held it over Chester's head. He breathed quickly

"Toddy..." Todrick smiled at him

"Chess" He smiled slightly, whispering 

"Thank you"

After Band Camp (aka Little Family)Where stories live. Discover now