Sticky Situations *edited

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Sooooo....Jenna is impatient and so heres the next chapter guys! Just all thank Jenna I update so much because she bugs me about it. 


" what?" He said smirking like he knew something I didn't. Think fast Rachel. Think fast. Wait whats right next to me? THE INTERCOM! now just slyly hold down the button andddddd

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed as load as I could with the intercom right next to me. Then came the footsteps up the stairs and Nick jumped across the room acting like he was just trying to talk to me.

"WHATS GOING ON!" Austin and Cory yelled running into the room

"Nothing! I don't even know why she screamed. I was just trying to ask her about something she said last night." Nick said looking innocent and giving me a look to go along.

The guys all looked at me waiting for an explanation.

"Yeah...yeah..I just screamed because I'm really stress." I said trying to think of a lie.

"Okay...." Austin replied totally not buying what I said.

"How about you guys come back down with us?" Cory said

"Actually I'm going to go meet up with megan." Nick said leaving the room.

"Are you okay?" Austin asked coming towards me.

"Yeah...yeah...I'm just uh..going to go see Jenna" I said pushing him out of the way and running out of the room to the staircase.

Why did he do that? And more importantly why was he so upset about it? I mean I barely even know him. He was really scary back there. If looks could kill, I swear I'd be dead already. Oh theres Jenna, coming out of the water.

"Jenna!!!!!!!!" I yelled so close to tears.  She turned around and saw me. Once she saw me, she dropped her board and came running towards me.

"Rach. Are you okay? What happened?" She asked coming up and giving me a big hug. Which only made me burst out crying.

"Nick...yelling...Megan...cornered...screaming..." I said trying to get out what happened through my tears.

"Shhhhh." She said rubbing my head. "Calm down and tell me what happened with Nick."

After about 5 minutes, I finally calmed down and told her everything that happened just back at the house.

"Awh sweetie. He has a really bad tempter." She told me hugging me again

"I know. And it shouldn't even bother me. But you know about everything in the past and it's just hard." I said. past. That's a story for another chapter, maybe even book.

"I know. Here, do you want to do get ice cream and then walk the long way home?" She asked me helping me up.

"Yeah...." I told her.

"Wait where's Zach?" I said suddenly curious on why I didnt see him.

"He's still surfing. I told him I was gonna head out for a while and be back in, in about an hour. My arms are sore." She said giggling.

"You two are so cute" I told her as she put her surfboard next to their stuff

"We are, aren't we?" She said sending a wink my way

"Hahaha yeah. You are." I told her giggling along with her

Soon we got to our favorite ice cream place and found a table to sit at.

"Okay how about you stay here, while I go get the ice cream?" Jenna asked me.

"That works." I told her as she started to walk off

"I want my usual!" I yelled after her.

"Okay!" She yelled back.

"Soooo this ice cream making up for it?" She asked while we were half way done with our ice cream

"Yes. I so missed this ice cream." I told her taking another huge bite of it. Seriously, the raspberry sherbet is the best here. 

"I know right. We need to just drive up here every once in a while to get some." She told me taking a bite out of her Mint Chocolate Chip.

"Lets do it. Every 2nd Saturday, lets drive up here for some ice cream." I told her being dead serious

"Lets do it." And with that we shook on it. So now every second Saturday, we will be coming up here for some ice cream.

We were on our way back home taking the long way. Which meant walking towards the house but going past and then turning around and walking on the side walk to come through the front door. I know it makes no sense but it's just something we do when we don't want to go home right away.

"Ha. ha. You are so funnnyyy Rachel." Jenna said lightly pushing me into the water.

"Hey now. It's the truth" I told her pushing her right back.

"Nahhhh. Never in a million years will Abby and Luke get together. It's Abby! She doesn't settle for anything. Unlike someone to my left." She said looking at me

"Oh theres someone out in the ocean. Well we should probably go save them!" I said acting like I was deeply scanning the ocean.

"Ha.ha.You are just on a roll today" Jenna said laughing

"I know. I know. When am I NOT on a roll though? I mean look at me I am the funniest person ever!" I told her laughing

"Oh yes. So funny. No one will ever be as funny as you" She replied sarcastically.  

"I know!" I said flipping my hair and laughing with her, "Come on lets head home Sis." 

"Lets go." She replied looping our arms together as we skipped down the beach. Or at least tried to skip down the beach. But it only ended up with us falling on our butts.

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