Chapter 0.5

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You know that feeling you get when you are standing next to a complete stranger? The shivers down your spine force you not to make eye contact. As you are trying to calm down, your palms begin to feel sweaty as your fingers make a fist. If I was at home right now, this would happen on a bus, or waiting in line, but this time it was not. This time it was still me, right now, but I was standing in front of a crowd of people.

The crowd wasn't what sent the shivers, it was the person standing next to me. Traditionally this person was never meant to be a stranger. I was supposed to know them, from birth. They were meant to play catch with me in the front yard, and pick me up from my first party, but mistakes were made before any one of those events could even be made possible. Instead, they just stood waving out into the sea of people, smiling at them as if i have done it hundreds of times before.

All the people knew him by his formal name, including me, as King David. His wife, Queen Mary was behind us smiling also, waving her hand all so gracefully. Their children were standing stiffly next to them. No smiles, nor waves, only blank stares. Their image was what kept the kingdom together, not one of them have produced a scandal.

The King was standing next to me. Earlier, he told me to smile, wave, and do as I was told. I was trying, but once again, these were all strangers. How I ended up here, I don't know.

Suddenly the stranger began to speak, making more shivers run down my spine. I took a deep breath in to shake them off my chest.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." He spoke with profession, "I am pleased to introduce, for the very first time, my first born son, and heir to this great country, Prince Micheal Alaric Shane James!"

That's a handful. It doesn't even sound that nice.

The sea began to roar. Their claps and shouts filling the entire country. They did this for Prince Michael, for this man was a stranger too, making him one of many.

There were thousands of other things said after that, but I'm too lost in my thoughts to even think about listening.

The King put his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently, as an act of respect and affection. This was another thing they told me, no touching, unless absolutely necessary. So many things they told me, most of them are just rushing to my head now.

I turn my head over my left shoulder, I see the former eldest son, Jacque. He has a more discussed look on his face now, compared to his blank stare. His crown was gone, took by some common boy, now he was nothing other than a spare.

The giant twin doors creak open behind us as men in uniform push them forward. I give them a small nod, respect and affection, check. I move my hands to the side of my new suit from the uncomfortable position, I had them behind my back.

We walk threw many hallways. There is still no talking. My lips perch together, we only have the sound of shoes on hard wood floors to give us comfort. This suit, of sorts, is very tight, making me want to take it off and head straight to bed. Hopefully to wake up in my real one at home.

"That went well." I turn my head towards Amelia, the second oldest of the Kings children, as she rolls her eyes at her own irony.

"Quite so, hopefully it will calm the mobs." Queen Mary sighs, fixing a stray hair on her forehead.

The King stays quiet, staring into something I will never be able to understand. He runs his hands through his slowly fading coloured hair. From what's left of colour, I can see hints of light brown. With the Queens hair being a bright blond, also fading, their children's had almost a messy light blond to them. My hair was made a dark chocolate brown, like my mothers. But my eyes represent a spitting image of my father, a piercing brown and grey colour.

The King turns around, causing everyone's small chattering to come to a holt. His eyes look directly into my own.

"What the hell was that?!" He questions forcefully while taking a violent step towards me. My natural response was to step back, but before I could his hand had wrapped around the caller of my shirt.

"I-I did exactly what you said." I mange to spit out, looking into what could be my own eyes. His face goes a dark red colour as if he is about to explode.

"David put the boy down, it's no use." The Queen says with tiredness rolling her eyes like her daughter.

"This is such an embarrassment!" He booms, letting go of my shirt, "Why did those bloody people in the service have to find out about you?" He starts pacing the other direction to the liquor table, picks up what seems to be a bottle of brandy and takes a swig.

"We could have him killed you know, then Jacque could have the crown back!" Amelia speaks again, taking a terrible shot of reasoning the situation.

"You idiot." Jacque finally retorts, "It is to late to do anything about him, not after the whole bloody show we put on for the people!"

In the corner of my eye I can see the Queen trying to comfort her husband by rubbing his back as he takes more chugs of the bottle. Once again I feel misplaced, I am not meant to be here.

"I think I will just go to my bedroom now, get some studying done I guess." I rub my neck where the caller had rubbed against my skin, and turn the way I believe is back to my room.

"Not so fast Micheal!" I can here the Kings foot steps stomp against the wooden floor.

"Yes, sir." I turn to face him once more, each time I do, I feel as if I'm getting less and less afraid. He comes and stands in front of me again, and with that I can smell the alcohol seeping off of him.

"You!" He slurs jabbing his finger into my chest, "Make anymore mistakes, or turn you back on me like that again, I will get rid of you!" His face tells me he's serious about this, "Do you understand me boy?!"

"Yes, I understand sir." I answer him, trying to think of more rules he will have me follow. I stiffen my body a little more to show I am just as serious.

"Good." He reply's back, as he moves to face his, and I guess my, family, "We have much work to do, but starting tomorrow, for now we must rest." They all nod, even if they did not agree with him, then they all started to go there separate ways within the palace walls.

Before I myself can go the King looks at me once more, "How old are you, I'm guessing 20?" Even though I know the answer is yes, I'm puzzled at this question.

"Yes, I just turned 20 sir."

"Well then, we have a year until you come of age." He grinned then faced away.

"Come of age?" I begin to speak my mind, "for what exactly?"

"Oh you will know, and now you know what will happen if you do not go through with it."

"With what?" I question while running over to the entrance to the hallway, getting even more curious. When I reach it I see him half way down the hall, not stopping, but his voice still echoes to me.

"An arranged marriage."

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Word Count- 1326

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