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Third Person's POV

Picture of Octavia's Jeep

8 Hours before the outbreak

The office was filled with people walking around as a team of seven people rushed around their desks, stuffing their belongings into their bags with large smiles on their face as the youngest member of the team finished first.

"Mitchell, your friend's resort better be as nice as you say it is." Gina, said as she gathered up her files and turned her gaze to the black male who wore a smirk.

"Hey, I never said it was his. He's the General Manager, until his parents hand him the place." Mitchell said, pulling out his phone from his back pocket to check the time. "Trust me, when I say it's amazing. Hot, sunny days, cool breezes at night, never-ending tropical drinks with those little umbrellas, and nothing but young, beautiful adults looking to make vacation memories."

"Male and female, yes?" Gina grinned, her eyes twinkling brightly.

"G, twenty one days of pure heaven." Mitchell said as he stuffed his bag with files.

"It's so hard to imagine what that many days away from this place is gonna feel like." Gina smiled as she ruffled the hair of the black and blonde headed girl next to her.

"You better thank little Octavia over here for convincing our Unit Chief to make it the whole team otherwise you know they'd find a reason to drag all of us back here." Mitchell said, hooking an arm around the girl's neck.

"They have other teams." Gina scoffed.

"Believe it if you want to, even Luke knows better and he's a rookie to our department." Mitchell laughed. "I'm not answering my phone at all."

"So Luke, what are you planning on doing with your three weeks off?" Octavia asked, as she pushed her black and blonde thick curls from her face as the older male looked at her.

"I'm going to enjoy being in California at the beach, soaking up some much needed sun and beautiful honeys, Octavia. What are you planning?" Luke asked as the pair pushed their chairs in and Mitchell released her neck.

"Oh, well. My boyfriend, son and brother are already down in Georgia with my parents. I'm driving to Tennessee to get my grandpa and then we're heading to join them." Octavia sighed as she smiled brightly.

"Ooo, so the boyfriend has a list of girlfriend and mom duties for you, huh?" Gina smirked as the younger girl winked at her.

"Oh yeah. The only thing I can't decide on is what I'm gonna do first when I get to Austin's dad's home." Octavia grinned.

"Bet he's got a thought or two about that." Mitchell smirked.

"Oof, no way. We had AJ when I was barely pushing twenty one, we're good for right now." Octavia laughed as she shouldered her bag. "I love all of you! But for the next...504 hours, my phone is off. Do not call me for anything...I'm being serious."

Luke, Mitchell, Gina and Octavia rushed out of the building and towards the parking garage, all waving to each other as they ran to their vehicles. Octavia clambered into a large black Jeep with monster truck tires and she threw her bag into the back seat as she shut the door and turned the engine over. Whipping out of the parking garage, Octavia threw on a pair of sunglasses as she hung one arm out of the window, music blaring around her as she smiled brightly.

Eight Hours Later

Octavia finally reached her grandfather's house and she pulled into the driveway, honking her horn as she parked her Jeep and got out of the seat, her eyes confused as her phone rang. She pulled out her phone and answered the phone, walking towards the front door.

"Hello?" She asked as she walked up the porch steps.

"Hi, mommy!" a young boy yelled as a smile crossed over Octavia's lips.

"Hey, poo. Are you enjoying spending time with your grandpa Hershel and pop?" She cooed as she looked for the house key.

"Yeah, dad said that he's gonna take me horseback riding later with Aunt Maggie." The little boy said as Octavia found the key and unlocked the door. "Aunt Beth won't ride with us though."

"Okay, love. Well, I'm about to pick up your great-granddad and then I'll be there in a handful of hours." She smiled, pushing the door open.

"Okay, mommy. I love you." He said, hanging up the phone as she stuck her phone in her pocket.

Walking into the house fully, Octavia saw her grandfather's long dagger laying on the table and her twin swords above them. She looked at them in confusion as she walked through the house, an eerie silence filling the air as she walked towards the back of the house. As she pushed the bedroom door open, a loud growl caught her off guard as her grandfather stumbled towards her, his hands swinging out towards her as she stumbled backwards, landing on the floor roughly. She kicked her feet and propelled herself backwards as her grandfather chased after her, growling as he did.

"Grandpa! What's wrong with you?!" Octavia yelled as she stumbled to her feet and rushed towards the living room.

Growls left his mouth as he swung out to her, his dead eyes staring at her with an insatiable hunger as he chased after her. Reaching behind her, Octavia pulled out her gun and held it out towards him, taking off the safety as she stared at him.

"I don't wanna do this...Please, stand down." Octavia whimpered as he charged, moving faster as she closed her eyes.

Her finger gripped the trigger and fired off three rounds into his chest, only slowing him down before she rose her aim and fired a round into his head. His body slumped to the ground as she let a shaky breath out, her hands shaking as she lowered her gun.

"What the hell is going on?" She questioned as she raked a hand through her head.

She felt scummy for the thoughts that went through her head and she put her gun away before she decided to bury her grandfather in the backyard.

After burying him, Octavia grabbed her swords and the dagger before she left the house, locking it behind her.

"I gotta get to Georgia...I gotta find them." Octavia mumbled as she saw other people stuffing their cars and trucks with their belongings as she jumped into her Jeep. 

VampireBrat: So, I went back and did some reading and I hated the way that it was going. I decided that giving Daryl a bit of competition for the affections of the girl he likes would be a different route to take and I'm a sucker for love triangles. (Blame it on too many K-Dramas) But I own nothing other than the people you don't recognize. This story will follow the show with changes along the way. Read and comment please and thank you! One Love, One Heart VampireBrat

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