Meeting the Atlanta group

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Octavia's POV

Three Months Later

My boots trudged through the street as my hands clenched around the backpack straps as my eyes flickered side to side. Geeks laid on the ground and wandered past me, not picking up my scent since I was covered in dried walker blood and guts as I spotted a Rue 21. Walking towards the door, I walked through the broken glass and I opened my bag, putting pants and shirts inside of it as I searched for a new pair of boots, knowing the pair I wore now were hanging on by a thread. I finally found a pair and I shed my clothes, tossing them over my shoulder as I quickly changed into the new clothes and boots. As I walked out of the store, I pulled on my black leather jacket and picked up my bag before a flash of red caught my attention as an asian boy raced towards a large black duffle bag, jumping over the wall of sandbags as someone screamed out for help.

My eyes flickered towards the geeks as they turned their heads in the direction of the screams and the running male as I hid behind the wall, watching the scene. He picked up the bag as geeks turned towards him, growling as they started shuffling towards him as he tried to run around the tank, only to see more stumbling towards him and some were moving faster. Leaning down, he picked up a hat and looked up to see more advancing on him as he panted heavily. He quickly took off running as the screams for help got louder and I noticed more geeks getting rowdy. A group of four turned their heads towards me and started walking in my direction as I let out a sigh of exasperation.

"Damn it." I growled as I tied the straps of my bag around my waist and I pulled my twin swords off my back.

The geeks approached me and I slashed them down, slowly moving backwards as I looked for a way out of the store. More stumbled towards me, as I tightened my grip on my blades, slowly backing up as I looked for an escape. I cut the head off of one and jumped through the broken store window, hustling in the same direction the guy with the bag ran and I saw him getting thrown into a car, that quickly sped off as I looked into the alley to see a guy with a crossbow hanging off the fence and I quickly ran towards it, sliding in before he slammed it shut. Laying on the ground behind him was a kid with a tattoo on his neck and the guy with the crossbow turned, knocking the kid into the wall as a guy dressed in a sheriff's uniform and a black guy came running up and they quickly separated the pair.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop it." The cop said as he held the crossbow guy back.

"I'm gonna kick your nuts up in your throat!" He yelled, his southern accent coming out as he tried to get around the guy holding him back.

"Let me go!" The kid yelled.

"Chill out!" The black guy yelled as the walkers behind us started converging towards the fence.

"They took Glenn. That little bastard and his little bastard homie friends." Crossbow growled as he tried to move around Sheriff. "I'm gonna stomp your ass!"

"Excuse me, I hate to interrupt this little...pissing party but as you can quite clearly see and hear behind me, we're cut off. So, is there any other place we can continue this...discussion?" I asked, as the men turned their attention towards me.

"She's right. Get to the lab. Go." Sheriff yelled as the black guy dragged the kid with him as I followed Crossbow and Sheriff.

Sheriff grabbed the duffle bag and shouldered it before looking at the ground in shock.

"Come on. Damn, let's go." Crossbow said as the Sheriff grabbed the hat and we all ran out of the alley.

We quickly arrived at the lab and I was the last in, closing the door behind me as I let out a breath and I pushed my hair out of my face, placing my swords into their sheaths on my back. Untying the straps from my waist, I slid my backpack off my back and I rolled my shoulders as the three men surrounded the kid.

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