Chapter 2

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This chapter is where the French starts. I only know bits and pieces of French, so I relied on Google translate for a majority of the French in this book. If anybody who speaks French reads this and notices that something is wrong, or if you notice that something doesn't translate back in Google, please let me know, and I will fix it.


I walked into the large Law classroom with about ten minutes to spare, and was immediately met by a tired-yet-happy looking Professor Washington. As usual, he held out his hand for me to shake, which I did.

"Good morning, Alex," He greeted me with a relaxed smile. "I don't believe I got your evaluation paper on the 2003 Harrison robbery court case? It was supposed to be turned in this morning."

"I emailed it around 11 last night," I explained.

"Ever the night owl, Alexander," Washington said with a laugh.

"Ever the night owl, indeed."

"You seem a bit down today, Alex. What's wrong?"

I sat my bag down in my chair and sat on my desk to face a now concerned looking Washington. "My roommate is on a trip in France right now, and it's making him consider moving back there. He says that he misses living there. He invited me to move with him if he decides to go, but too much of my life is here, you know? I don't think i can."

"You're incredibly fluent in French, Alexander. You're intelligent. You have motivation. You wouldn't have much trouble there, and it may be a good change for you. New York has to have gotten boring to someone like you by now. Maybe you should."

"I almost feel like you're trying to get rid of me," I joked.

"It would give my other students a chance," He joked back in the same light-hearted tone. We both laughed a little bit as he turned around and began messing with his computer, trying to get his Powerpoint to show on the projector board. "In all seriousness though, Alexander," His voice went back to the 'kind professor' tone that I knew very well, "You may want to consider it."

"I really would like to say yes," I said, "But I feel like it would be best to wait until I get my degree, you know? I don't want to have to move there and find a new college to go to and probably have to start all over. I want to get my feet on the ground. I want to be able to run when I get there, not jog uncertainly."

"It's your choice, Alex."

"I know. Thank you for being my life coach, Professor."

"My pleasure. Now get off of my desk and get your notes out, you heathen. Class is going to start soon."

I slid off of the desk, my boots making a small 'thump' sound as they hit the ground, and pulled my laptop out of my bag, setting it on my desk as I slid into my seat. The nice silence of the room was interrupted as kids began to file into the class, varying degrees of drowsiness on their faces, except for Aaron, the kid that everybody secretly hated because he always did all of his work without staying up late the night it was due. Because of this, he was always bright-eyed and chipper while the rest of us normal college students walk around like caffeine-addicted zombies.

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