Chapter 5

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I woke up in a sea of red, sweat-dampened sheets, in a room that I had never seen before. The air was tinged with the scent of cologne, beer, and sweat, and the draft of cold that swept over me informed me that, under the wrinkled red sheets that lay on top of me, I was naked. My head throbbed only slightly, which was miraculous in comparison to the hangovers I'd had the displeasure of having before.

I groaned as I put the puzzle pieces together: I'd had a one-night stand.

Cautiously, I pushed the thick blanket down slightly and looked over to see the stranger with whom I'd slept, and was greeted with a mess of curly, black-brown hair that messily fell over the face to whom it belonged, which was dark brown with swollen lips that were parted slightly as he slept.

I looked around the room and noticed my phone on the night stand that was next to the side of the bed I had slept on. I reached for it and clicked the Home button, sighing in relief to see that it had 35% left on the battery. I quickly unlocked it and instinctively opened my texts, seeing two new messages from Angelica.

The first one read Where are you going? It was sent last night. The second one was from this morning. I'm hoping you used protection. You won't want any part of him after you find out who he is.

The second text worried me, but was also a relief. I could finally find out who was currently sleeping next to me.

Who is he? I can't remember anything, I typed out in response. After a couple of minutes of blankly staring at my screen and waiting for her response, my phone vibrated, making me jump ever so slightly.

Thomas Jefferson. Law student, homophobic as hell, very Republican.


As I tried to think through the situation that my drunk self had gotten me into, there was a slight movement of the bed, and the man who was soon to resent me sat up, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. He didn't notice me for a second, and it was calm and quiet. However, that quickly came to an end as his eyes trailed over to where my feet were under his blanket, and then followed them up my body until he saw my face.

He wore an expression of confusion, and he almost instantly looked as if his world had crashed around him as that expression became shock, and then anger.

"What the hell are you doing in my bed?!" He yelled, moving away from me to the end of the bed.

"The same thing as you: realizing that I did a horrible thing last night, that horrible thing being you," I replied, sarcasm dripping from my words.

"We, we ha-"

"Yes. Yes, we did."

His breaths sped up as he looked down and thought about the implications of what I said. "M-maybe we didn't do anything like that," He tried to reason in a panicked frenzy of words that were spoken before they were thought about.

"Dude," I looked him in the eye, "There's a condom wrapper on the bed."

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