Andehar Tyrannous

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^^ Bryn Thorn ^^

"When gods make demands of men, even the mighty spring tides dare not bar their way."

This has been said to me a thousand times in my life, perhaps ten thousand.

'How would your ancestor, Tyr, think of you if he saw you now? You do not fight, you do not fuck, you knit and you prance and you play like any other innocent little girl, though you yourself are almost a grown woman! And a giant like me, as well! Why?' My mother would always yell, slamming her shield into the rack next to her bed.

I always simply smiled, and replied, 'surely it's not odd for a woman to like knitting and prancing? Regardless of her heritage or height? Knitting and Healing are important things, yes? I worship Freya every time I stitch your wounds closed. Do you wish me to stop?'

She would attempt to appeal to my warriors heart, next. 'And what about fighting beside me, to stop my need of your stitching? You could be a shield maiden, and a great one, like the legendary Brunhild, or Agatha, with your reflexes, and your strength! Abandon this foolish notion that women must stitch and giggle, and fight beside your mother!'

'You wish me to insult one god to please another? I prefer my worship of Freya to yours of Tyr and Thor, that is all. Surely you do not begrudge me my gods?' I would smirk, knowing I'd backed her into a corner.

She would growl, and stomp away, verbally defeated.

I would finish my sewing, and then gather my bow and arrows, and then go hunting for our meat.

Today, though... today was different.

She crashed through the door, holding her side, and I rushed to catch her, abandoning my silly stitching. I helped her sit, and growled at her. "What happened! A boar, hmm?"

She shook her head slowly. "A Saxon surprised me. I was speaking with Nadia, and he came from the brush behind her. I pushed her out of the way..."

"STUPID WOMAN!" I smacked her ear, and started heating a needle. I ripped her tunic off, and began sewing the gouge closed, ignoring the smell of a perforated gut.

She chuckled. "Aye... you smell that, don't you girl? Stop wasting the thread... I killed good people for that thread." She coughed at the end of her laugh, and I growled.

"Women have survived worse, mother, stop talking like that! You'll not die like this, you understand? You will not! Tell me who to kill to sacrifice him to Tyr, who?" I growled, pressing a knee to her wound to hold the skin as I applied a thick poultice to it, smearing it deeply into the wound.

She chuckled again. "Nadia killed him... he mentioned a master, but..."

I chuckled wryly, ignoring my tears. "Ahhh, your lover kills your enemies for you now, hmm? Perhaps I should let you die then, if you can't fight..." I joked to distract her as I pulled a white hot knife out of the fire and burnt the skin of the wound to cease its bleeding.

Her teeth creaked, but she didn't scream, making me grin. "You're still strong, mother. You'll survive for now, more's the pity." I kissed her forehead, and helped her to bed.

Nadia rushed in, covered in blood. "How is she?"

I shook my head. "You know the answer. Her gut was pierced, but it was a minor rip... hopefully she can heal. But not without the gods help. I will pray to Freya and Tyr... you must pray to Thor, as you killed her attacker... now who was he?" I asked sternly, standing to my full giantess height of 7 feet and two inches, equal to that of my mother, towering over the tall woman.

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