Chapter 14: Training like a ninja

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After I got this sword I found a sense of a pattern with my powers and combat. I remember when I was a 9 year old and all I thought about was being a ninja. Now is the opportunity for me to be one! I took my katana and got out of the car. I kept trying to swing it around but it was so heavy even with my super strength. But as the hours passed it got a bit easier. I started to do my regular acrobatic techniques with the sword. I kept flipping and running with it. It was actually fun. I found a giant tree and started running up it vertically. Fast enough that i didn't lose my traction. Then once I got to the top I jumped backwards and I started slicing the tree in to small pieces until I got to the bottom. Then I placed my hand at the base of the tree trunk and it began to grow back to it's original size. But I got the urge to test my healing factor so I hurt myself. I cut off my right arm and screamed in pain. I hurried to grab the ground and absorb the life force so my arm would regenerate quickly. Bone started to manifest then flesh and eventually my skin came back. I was panting as I saw the blue blood soak into the ground and grass grew in a bright green where my blood fell. I was extremely hungry after that forced regeneration. I couldn't see any animal's. My hunger was increasing and my vision was turning dark blue. I was getting confused but I saw something small and bright blue hopping through the bushes. I jumped from a tree and pounced on it with my hand impaling it. I tear out a good amount of meat then fry it with a energy sphere. I stuff my face with the food so i can get out of this survival mode. Then when my vision clears I see I ate apart of a little bunny rabbit. I start to cry with sorry since I know how it felt to be hunted like a animal. I put my hand on it and bowed my head but I feel a heart beat. I move my hand to see the animal is twitching and starting to regenerate. I smile with happiness knowing it's going to live. After it is fully healed I see it had neon blue eyes. I hug it and let it back. As night started to fall I headed back to the car. On my way I saw a giant beast. What the hell I  think what is it then as I get closer I see it's the wolf I healed. I read it's emotions and I know it got kicked out of its original pack because of its new appearance. I think maybe I need someone who understands what its like to come back from death different. I pet it on the head and it licks my hand. I say," Let's go home". And I jump on his back and we run at high speeds back into my town. I jump off of him and we walk to my front door. I use my house keys and we enter. I expect to be barraged with anger and saddness from my mom but she is in utter silence from seeing the giant animal that stood by my side in loyalty. I said," Mom this is my new friend and pet.... Ummm". I ponder for a second what I should name him but I think I know," Recon!".

The day I was forever LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora