Chapter 19: My own power

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I converse with the president and eventually he allows me to take a drill. I gather my group and we prepare for the fight to get what mine back. We put on heat proof suits and get drawn down into the darkness. After a hour and a half of drilling we see it the core we are all overwhelmed by the power coming from this thing. We step out and get ready to activate this process. I step in the center while everyone is around me. I touch the core and everyone touchs me. I feel power surging through my body and I feel myself getting stronger. But something is a wrong when mounds of rock raise up in the form of soldiers with blue lines all across their bodies. I don't understand when they start to attack. I'm really scared when something grabs me and pulls me into the core. I scream but I am floating around in black nothingness. But then light shows and I recognize it it's the thing I talked to in the woods. It tells," It took away my powers and brought me here to see if I was worthy of defending reality". I plead that I am but he says I need to show him in action. More stone soldiers come out but I am scared because of how weak I am. I start to cry from my inability to defend myself. Now for the first time for real I'm going to die. I almost succumb to fate until I hear voices in my head. Ramona, my friends, my family. Everyone was supporting me and it made my heart rejoice. I wipe my tears and smirk knowing I can do anything. I open my eyes for them to show brown orbs instead of blue ones showing that that isn't what makes me strong. In a instant my hands and feet make contact with the soldiers and I destroy them without being phased. My hands are bloody from hitting rocks but I don't care. I destroyed all of the soldiers and I am happy at my victory. I see something fall from the light it's a big blue orb. I ask,"What is this"?. He says,"I passed the test and proved my worth of protecting the universes. So I get my powers back and the potential to live forever." I smile and let the orb go into my heart. I feel whole again again with new determination. I had one question though when do I stop ageing or? He says," I will stop at 25 then I will stay young forever." I am happy that my body will finish developing. But what about my friends and family will they die around Me? "Maybe depends on what you will give to them." I remember my ability to resurrect the almost dead. But I wonder if I can make them young.  While I am thinking I get thrown out of the core and am back with my friends who look torn up from the soldiers. I look At them and they seem normal. I ask what happened? They just all say something left their bodies. I nod. We all get back in the drill and come to the surface. I am renewed and rejuvenated. I tell them that I can make you all immortal and they seem a little happy. I take them home and disband the hospital. I really like this hundred man attack I learned. So I can fight without killing them. I am eager to test it and so I walk into a part of town with a lot of criminals. I see a group of hoodlums so I approach. I say hello and they start surrounding me. I see one with a gun in his waistband  and just when they touch me they phase  through  me. I keep vibrating my body at a different speed and frequency while they empty out their bullets. I'm a little bit low on stamina  after I stop phasing but I get my energy back quickly. I use the hundred man attack quickly. One blow to the gut at super almost instant speed knocks them out. I love it! I am so happy to start my time as a agent and hero again!

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