Part 4 of Chapter 3: The Rooms

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Shannon opens the door to the bedroom next to Jeydon and Jordan's room.

Shannon cleans up the room a bit and unpacks. After a while, her room looks better. Shannon leaves her door open.

 Shannon leaves her door open

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Kyle comes upstairs.

Kyle:   "Hey, guys, is there any more rooms up here?"

Shannon:   "No there isn't, but there is a room downstairs out in the back next to the kitchen."

Kyle:   "You mean the room Bryan is staying in that's kind of near the kitchen?"

Shannon:   "No, there is a part near the kitchen that is sorta like a bedroom, except it's not near any of the other bedrooms."

Kyle:   "Oh, ok.....thank you Shannon."

Shannon:   "No problem."

Kyle goes back downstairs.

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