Part 1~

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" Emma~"

"yes ma?"

"wake up dear.."

"but I can't"

"you have to wake up.... for me...... for life."




Emma woke up with a scream. She was sweaty and was tangled in her bed sheets....the bed sheets her mom once made for her. But, that was the past. That would not matter anymore. Emma could hear footsteps rushing to her bedroom.

"Emma what is this non-sense" said Emma's aunt.

Her aunt was slim and tall and had a knot at the back of her head with gray streaks.

"sorry aunt may may I just had a dream that's all..... it was about my mother.."

"Your mother is dead stop thinking about her this intent!"

"Yes aunt may may..." But, as real as it sounded it was a lie.

"Go to bed you have a long day of practice tomorrow" said her angry aunt.

"yes aunt May" Emma said as her aunt closed her creaky door with a slam. Emma looked down at her scabbed hands.... they have scabbed over night but there will be more blood in the morning. Emma always had bloody hands from being forced to play her violin until they bled.

Emma closed her eyes and waited for tomorrow. It came. It came unfortunately.


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