Part 2~

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Emma awoke to the smell of breakfast.... the same breakfast that she always eats. Beacon, eggs, and toast. She ate fast because she had school at 8:00 am. She talked to her only friend at her aunts mansion for a while. Her friend was named Harper and she had  her hair up in a braid. Harper was a house keeper for Emma's aunt, and she did a pretty good job keeping the huge mansion clean and nice. Sadly Emma was the only one who respected Harper and her kindness. 

"Emma dear...", said Harper sounding concerned.

"yes Harper?", the tone that Harper used made Emma worried 

"I-I'm leaving... I got a job somewhere else... I'm sorry"

"W-what?! Harper your the only one here that is nice to me... you can't leave", Emma could feel tears in her eyes. She felt like screaming, begging, and running.

"I'm so sorry Emma." Harper said with a sad tone.

Emma said her good-byes to Harper and watched her from the window as she left. Emma has never hated her aunt so much until now. Her aunt was the one who made Harper leave.

Emma's aunt is ruining her life.

Emma has never wanted to lean on her moms shoulder more than she did now.

But, that would never happen.

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