6: Forgiveness and Tea

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George was standing in front of me. George's expression was scaring me. George glared at Malfoy. George said, "What are you doing her Malfoy."

Malfoy met his gaze. Malfoy looked nervous. Malfoy turned his head to look at me for a moment. Malfoy realized he was on his own. Malfoy replied, "I'm with Gable."

I moved my mouth like a fish, trying to speak but no words came out. I looked back and forth from George to Malfoy and then back again. I said, "I'm sorry George."

All the fight seemed to drain out of George when those three words passed through my lips and he enveloped me in a hug. That's when we heard Teddy begin to speak to Malfoy. "You should Marry Auntie Anna so you're my uncle." I would have pulled out of George's hug but I was positive my cheeks her as red as Santa's cap, so I clutched onto him tighter, that way my embarrassment wouldn't be revealed. I felt his chest rumble and figured he interpreted my methods.

"Uh, okay?" Malfoy said, but it came out as more of question.

"But if you hurt her I'll have Georgie, Harry, Ron, Grandma Molly, Grandpa Arthur, and Ginny kill you." I felt my eyes widen as I imagined sweet Molly Weasley killing someone. The last person she killed was Bellatrix Lestrange. After she killed Fred and went after Ginny. I felt tears try and come out just thinking about it, but I blinked them away and released George from my grasp just in time to turn and hear Malfoy's reply.

"I would never hurt her," He told Teddy. "Your Aunt is a very, very special person."

"I know she is, that's why everyone loves her. Even people we're not related too!" I giggled quietly at Teddy's tone of amazement as he said that.

"It's because she's so nice, and she'd die for the people she loves." Malfoy informed my nephew.

"Don't forget that she's pretty too." My darling nephew told him.

"Yeah," Malfoy paused. "She's pretty too." I had to stop myself from gasping because George and I were a great distance from the two and I am positive that he didn't realize we could hear everything he was saying.

I felt George's arm brush against my shoulder as he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Are you dating him?" I shook my head in reply, no. "Are you positive, sure sounds like you got him whipped."

"If we are dating it's news to me," I whispered back. "Since the first time I've seen him since graduation, was at the wedding yesterday."

"Awww," George cooed in my ear. "Maybe Malfoy has a crush."

"Your full of nonsense George, he barely knows me." I informed him.

"Don't you remember how he was always staring at you in school?" George asked. "And it gave you and Ginny the creeps?"

"Yes, but that was only because he hated me."

"Maybe not," George said in a sing song voice.

Brushing him off I made my way over to Malfoy. "Are you to alright over here?" I asked, eyeing Teddy who smiled at me mischievously. 

"Yep!" Malfoy said popping the "p". He smiled brightly at me and reminded me of a child.

I laughed at his joyful expression and George came over. "Oh my!" George said, clasping a hand over his heart mockingly. "Malfoy actually smiles!"

Malfoy feigned a scowl. "I'm only going to let that go because I am truly sorry for all the pain you got from the war, especially what my family and I caused." Malfoy said looking at George with honesty filling his eyes and face.

George sighed and looked at me, I gave him a small nod, that small nod spoke volumes. It told him to take that step and forgive Malfoy, because no matter what he'd done, everyone had their reasons. So, George turned to Malfoy and released a breath before he spoke. "Everyone did things their not proud of during the war, whether it was for good or bad it doesn't matter." He looked over at me and I realized he needed my support, I walked over and stood beside him. "I don't know why you chose the side you did but that was three years ago and it doesn't seem fair for me to hold it against you when your clearly tore up over what you did."

George looked over at me and gave me a small, slightly mischievous smile and I knew he was about to tease me. "Besides, my lovely friend here seems to be rather attached to your ferrety self." I shoved him a bit, but I wasn't really mad. "So, yeah, I forgive you Malfoy."

I hugged George as tightly as I could. "I am so, so proud of you." I tell him so that only he could hear me.

He chuckled and whispered, "Run along now, lover boy looks slightly uncomfortable." So I let go of him and turned to Malfoy.

"So," I said as I looked at him. "Would you like to join me for I nice cup of tea, Malfoy?" His face brightened a bit.

"I'd love to Gable?" For a moment we simply beamed at each other.

And then Teddy, the great moment ruiner said, "Does that mean you guys are leaving?" He pouted.

"Yeah bud, sorry." I said as I leaned over and kissed his cheeks.

"Will you be at Grandma Molly's and Grandpa Arthur's to eat later?" He asked, lower lip still jutting out.

"Silly Billy," I teased him. "I'm picking ou up from Grandma's to go there unless Georgie was planning to take you." I looked over at George and he nodded saying he'd take him. "Well I guess I'm meeting you there!" I tell him with a wink.

"Okay," He said and proceeded to hug me. "I love you Auntie Anna."

"Love you too Sweetie."

"Are you good to go?" I asked Malfoy.

"Yeah," He said and nodded to George who returned the gesture.

"By guys," I said as I waved to George and Teddy.

And then Malfoy and I made our way to find a café, as we walked however, he grabbed my tiny hand in his large one. His hand quickly warmed up my own.

And I didn't pull away.

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