10: Punch & Brunch

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Draco Malfoy didn't do his usual strut through the door way, but he still looked his usual intimidating (and attractive) self. His eyes slowly scanned the room, looking for a familiar face. When they landed on me, they widened and I could see the surprise that lay behind the beautiful misty gray. In his dark gray suit and emerald green tie, no one could deny he was attractive and when our eyes met, I couldn't help but blush and look away.

Anna! My mind chastised me. Stop acting like a hormonal high school girl!  So I hesitantly looked up and met his eyes again, my cheeks burning. He smiled, and began to make his way towards me. "And you told me to stop being so dreamy over Ron," Hermione said into my ear in a taunting voice. I waved her off and as she backed away I heard her laugh as I never took my eyes off the boy who walked towards me.

When he stopped in front of me, looking down with a smile, I looked up shyly. "Fancy meeting you here," I said softly.

"I was just thinking the same about seeing you." I laughed lightly, when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned to Hermione. Except it wasn't Hermione, when I saw who it was though, I backed up so much that my back was pressed up against Draco's firm chest. I practically gasped for air as the person beamed down on me. "Hello, it's been a while Annabelle," Cormac McLaggen said, pumping my arm up and down.

"Um, yes it has," I said nervously and rather uncomfortably.

You see, a while ago, in my fifth year (and Harry's 6th) McLaggen held an interest in Hermione and at the Slug Club party she invited him to, he got very drunk. When 'Mione disappeared (and I later learned she was hiding) he came after me. The first few time I batted him away, but he just kept coming back. And then he followed me into the restroom. I tried to send him away, but he wouldn't go. He grabbed me by the arm and I was pushed into a stall where he forcibly kissed me, I scratched, I pushed and I hit but he wouldn't stop. It probably would've went in a horrible direction had someone not pulled him off me and badly beaten him. I never caught sight of who it was and it seemed that they really didn't want anyone to know who they were, especially not me. I will always be thankful to them, however.

Draco rested a hand on arm reassuringly, that was when I realized how close I was to him, and by the way McLaggen was sizing up Draco I could tell he thought we were a couple. I leaned into Draco a bit more and hoped that McLaggen would get the hint.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

"So, you never got back to me after your graduation." He said. No, he didn't come to my graduation, just to see me, his cousin was in my year. "But my offer for a date is still up." It pained me, it really did. I wanted to slap him, stomp on his foot, and curse him to heaven and back. I had to remind myself that he didn't even remember what had happened that night, and while he was a scum bag, he was not that much of a scum bag.

"I'm sorry, Cormac." I said with a small, forced smile. "But-," I was about to make up a lame excuse when I was saved. By Draco none the less.

"She's already promised me one." He said with a lazy grin down at me. I beamed back up at him.

"Oh, I see how it is." McLaggen said with a sneer. "Going out with Slytherins  now aren't we."

I felt fury rise up inside me. "What did you just say to me?" I asked, voice calm.

"You heard me," He said, that nasty sneer still on his face. "You're associating with dirt." He shook his head as if in disappointment. "I expected better from you Gable. After all you were with Potter and Granger, I thought maybe you'd find yourself a good guy."

My eyes were ablaze. "Who like you?"

"Well, yeah-" He started but I never let him finish.

"The guy who acted as if girls were possessions and pushed yourself on them relentlessly?" I asked.

"At least I'm not a nasty, Slytherin and ex-deatheater with a family of trash." And that is when Draco took his arms back from around my waist, moved me out from between McLaggen and he, and punched him straight in the jaw.

As anyone could expect, McLaggen ran away from the fight. He grabbed his rapidly swelling jaw, threw Draco and I the nastiest look in the world, and ran out the door, away from the brunch. I wrapped my arms around Draco's waist and he stiffened at first, before turning and returning the gesture. "Thank you." I whispered. "I don't know what I could ever do to show you how thankful I am."

"I have an idea." He whispered back. I looked up at him in question, prodding him to go on. "How about a date, Thursday night, I'll pick you up at six."

I smiled. "Yeah." He looked relieved, like he didn't believe I'd say yes.

"I can't believe it," He said, confirming my suspicions, his eyes wide, but face relaxed in relief. I laughed lightly.

"What about your mystery girl?" I asked quietly.

"Well you see, I'm beginning to hope." And then he said, "See you Thursday." With that, he left the brunch, and my mouth dropped open as I watched him go.

Hermione suddenly popped up from nowhere and I jumped in surprise, "So, happy Ginny and I are too involved in your love life yet?" I beamed at her and even the brightest witch of her age looked surprised at my reaction.

"Hermione," I said breathlessly. "I think Draco Malfoy may have a crush on me." Her laugh swirled around me but I was too busy thinking of the date that awaited me in just five long days. Because maybe I was beginning to have a crush on Draco Malfoy too.

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