Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The next death

"Oh trust me, I'm already as good as dead" I tell this Sans guy. I basically am, so why not just face the truth?

"Well then, some LOVE wouldn't be bad. I've been needing some, I'll go soft if I don't get some more" Sans says as an insane grin breaks out across his face.

"Um.... I'd love to stay, but I think I hear Toriel calling for me! Bye now!" I break off into a sprint back towards the way I came, the ruins. Once I reach the doors, I tug and tug on them. But no matter what I do they won't budge.

"Trying to run? Sorry brat, but that won't work. And if you run from me, you run straight into the boss. So either way, you die and we get the final soul we need. How about it brat?" BRAT?! Who the hell does he think he is?! Ugh, I hate it when people..... well, monsters in this case, anyways I hate it when they think that they're all that! "Don't worry Brat, your soul will be put to good use"

"And that apparently oh so good cause is?" I questioned him.

"Freeing us so we can destroy humanity!" He exclaims as his insane grin becomes larger. With me cornered, I take in his appearance. Don't know why, but I just am.

"Like what you see?" He wiggles his "eyebrows" as he catches me staring

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"Like what you see?" He wiggles his "eyebrows" as he catches me staring. "Well too bad, cause you won't be seeing this for much longer!" He let's lose a deep and frightening laugh. I start to look closely at his necklace.


"I'm a what?! Spit it out!"

"You're a save point," I say as I grab the save point, which saves my progress. No way am I fighting Toriel all over again.

"You saved your point, didn't you?" Sans growls.

"No, I used it to go to Timbuktu," I say, my words laced with sarcasm "Use your head, of course I saved my point!"

"So you're basically the new Frisk, huh? Look, just kill yourself and don't hit any buttons. You'd be doing the world a favor!" Sans yells at me.

"SANS! WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU NEED TO BE ON WATCH FOR HUMANS!" A very.... loud voice yells. It distracts Sans so I take this chance to run away from him. Unfortunately, I run straight into an even taller and scarier skeleton. That's it, I'm fucking doomed.

"AHA! IT SEEMS THAT I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, HAS CAUGHT A HUMAN! THE LAST HUMAN WE NEED IN FACT!" Yells the gigantic skeleton who I assume is Papyrus, or as Sans calls him, boss. I have found something new to be afraid of. Do the monsters get more frightening as I go along? This entire thing is looking more and more like a video game with every piece of information I get. Maybe I'm just dreaming, maybe this is actually real. There is no way for me to tell. I can feel the pain when I'm killed, yet I can't all at the same time. This entire journey has been so confusing. My own thoughts are even starting to confuse me. For example, why do I feel more at home down here than I did at my actual home?

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