Twenty-three: Lucinda

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... A Few Months Later...

Corey was in a mixture of emotions lately. We didn't have much of a chance to talk ever since the pack meeting and ever since Hayden and I began to be around each other a lot more. She hated it but I had to respect her decision. Even though it hurt.

She tried to hide things from me through the bond but even when she tried her hardest she let things slip. The whole scene ran through her mind on replay. Skipping, fast-forwarding, rewinding before playing out like a movie all over again. I felt her internal pain as she struggled to grasp what was about to happen. I tried to ready myself for what was to come. I couldn't think about anything else. But I had to try.

Every time I closed my eyes I saw the inevitable. The fears I was trying to escape came rushing in and attacking every thought and twisting them into a sinister thing. I would lose her. Just when I thought that I had gotten her back.

The crowd was silent and Corey sat in the middle of the circle around her, with the Alpha in front of her, surrounded by the Beta and Omega. He stared at her intensely and I felt Corey's wonder and anxiousness as to what would happen to her. When the Alpha spoke, his words were stern and harsh and unforgiving. Her parents had shown up to this part, but Corey didn't seem to care. I could tell she was broken. I could tell she hurt.

I gasped as I was pulled out of the short movie inside my mind. I glanced around at my surroundings and saw a familiar face that instantly relaxed my body and mind.


I released the breath I was holding and gazed into his bright blue eyes that reflected the worry I was feeling. I closed my eyes and leaned into his side wanting to be near him in every way. It had been a couple of weeks since I had admitted my strange feelings for Hayden. He was a hunter after all and his tattoo was a painful reminder of that. We kept our relationship hidden from the supernatural world or as hidden as we could.

"You were thinking about it again weren't you?" Hayden asked softly as he wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and breathed in his refreshing scent that I could never get enough of.

Hayden sat close to me. I was surprised they allowed him here even though he was one of them... I guess it was a way to show that a temporary truce was made. The Alpha of the pack spoke up again, looking directly at Corey.

"For a decade and a year now, you've disobeyed more than many of our laws. We should condemn you to death," he spoke. I saw tears stream down Corey's face.

I know, I heard her thought. I was surprised at her reaction.

"But the council has voted against it," he continued. Gasps erupted from the crowd. "You will be banished. You are rogue."

Corey's head snapped up and she stared intently at the Alpha. I attempted reaching out to her but she blocked and blocked me well.

"NO!" A voice burst through. Everyone's head turned.


"I can't seem to stop," I told Hayden as I snuggled against his chest feeling cold from the memory. I felt his heart beat strongly against his ribcage and it reminded me of the first time I drank from him. My fangs pricked my gums but I retracted them with enough force that I hoped they wouldn't come out again while he was here. It took a long time to be able to resist the urge to feed on Hayden every time I saw him. Part of me still wanted to feed on Hayden but he did a good job at distracting me with another method I approved of.

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