➳Chapter 3 ✓

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...Damon Black...

After the talk with Emmett, Evie decided to get things ready for training. So I decided to get to get settled. I walked to my room. All my stuff was here. There was also someone else here.

"Hey dude." I said. He looked up.

"Oh hey you must be my ...roommate?" He asked.

"Yeah, Damon." I told him.

"Cool I'm Asher." He said.

"Nice to meet you." I started to unpack and we started talking.

"So you got a mate?" He asked.

"Yea. You?"

"Nah but soon hopefully." He said glumly.

"You'll get her." I said reassuringly.

"What about you. How's your girl." He asked.

"She's good. I'm lucky."

"Her name." He asked.

"That's for me to know." I chuckled.

"Okay is she here?" He asked.

"Yeah."I said.

He tried getting more out of my but I wouldn't budge. We meet some of the other guys. Everyone was pretty cool. All except the fuck boys. The were rating all the girls even my Evie. My wolf growled. Keeping it a secret would be harder than expected.


..Evangeline King...

Work. Work. Work. Work. Oh wait what's that? Work. That's what I've been doing. Freaking work. I was so frustrated with the shit load of freaking work!!!

The last time I help Emmett and my dad with paper work. I mean how much can you actually have. While they sleep, I have to deal with this. So not fair!!!

All I want to do I relax and the best way is to see my mate. I woke up from my seat and walked towards the dormitory. I got to his Building. My wolf wanted to kick the door down and ravish him. Knowing her that's exactly what she would do.

"Well what are you waiting for." My wolf urged.

"We can't just burst through. He has a room mate." I said.

"You think I give a shit. Get mate!!!" She said. Damn. I mind linked Damon.

*Damon love* I called.

*Evie babe why are you awake?* He asked fatigue fat in his voice.

*I wanted to see you.* I admitted.

*I'm coming Angel, where's your room?* He asked.

*I'm kind of at you dorm.* I told him.

*I'm coming Angel. My roommate is a heavy sleeper. We can stay here tonight.* He said.

*Okay bear.* I sighed.

Seconds later he opened his door. He looked like he just woke up. I felt really bad cause I may of woke him up. May off, I don't know?

"I'm sorry I woke you up bear." He hugged me and picked me up by my knees while I doing on to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It's okay Angel. I couldn't sleep without seeing you. I wanted to see your beautiful face." My heart fluttered.

He carried me to his bed and laid me down gently and then came next to me. We cuddled up.

"Good night my angel." He kissed me softly.

"Good night bear." I snuggled into his bare chest.

I must say best Sleep ever. I don't think I can sleep without him now, but I'm okay with that.


I awoke at 5am. I wanted to stay longer but I couldn't have anyone see me. I tried to get up but Damon's hands had me anchored down. I tried to move but he growled saying mine.

"Bear, I need to go." I cooed.

He stay asleep. I kissed his nose and tried again. Now one thing left.

"My ex boyfriend wants me back." Damon got up and growled mine and held me tighter. What am I gonna do know?

"Yours. Now I need to go." I kissed him and left before her could protest.

I walked to my room, well more like apartment and got ready. To day I was teaching strategic planning while Emmett was having fun with training. I'm still gonna watch though.

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