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"Harry!" Louis shouted as he ran out of the apartment "What was that about?" I asked as Liam, Zayn and Niall all looked at eachother "Lads" I heard Louis call "Gotta go" Niall said as he quickly ran out followed by Liam and then Zayn, Zayn shut the door behind him, what the hell? It went from 6 people to one! I heard the washing machiene finish and I ran over to it grabbing the nearest towel, time to have a shower! I grabbed my phone and turned the shower on, I had a towel and the bathrooom was locked. I put my I-pod on shuffel and guess what the first song to play was? What makes you beautiful! I quickly jumped in the shower and had a quick wash. I jumped out and wrapped a towel around me, I paused my phone and opend the door, I could hear someone mumbling I creped round the corner to see Louis and Niall on the sofa arguing over the tv remote "Excuse me?" I said as they both turned around "Wow, the new fashion is parculiar" Niall joked as Louis laughed and took the tv remote "Haha!" He shouted as Niall grabbed it off him "What are you doing here??" I said as they both looked at me "I believe we are arguing over the tv remote whilst you are having a shower, despite your shower earlier today" Louis said in a posh voice and Niall laughed "Well you could have knocked!" I said as I walked off "You still going to wear your pink bra?" Louis shouted as they both burst out laughing "Shut. Up!" I yelled as I shut my door, that boy had such a cheek!! I quickly put on matching underwear (Blue with a white Lace) and put on a red strappy top with navy high waised shorts and a white and navy stripy blazer (the stripes were going vertically) and walked out as I chucked my towel into the tumbel dryer, I walked back into the bathroom and put my cloths into the washing basket and walked into the living room where Niall was on the floor with Louis sitting on top of him watching MTV "Can I get up now?" Niall said as I leaned on the wall and watched them "erm, no!" Louis joked and Niall waved his arms and legs around "Louis get off of Niall!" I said as Louis jumped up and so did Niall "Thank you!" Niall said as he pulled his top down, they did make me laugh! "Wow!" Louis said as I looked down 'What?" I asked "Well someone's dressy" Niall said as he winked, ohh my, they are funny! "No it's called casual Niall" I said as I laughed "lets play truths Louis suggested as he looked at Niall for approval as he nodded his head "Ok, sure!" I said as I sat on the sofa next to Niall and Louis sat on the floor "Niall first!" I said as Louis looked at me "food or family?" He said as Niall's face fell "Family no food no family no food no family no! I can't choose!" He said as I laughed, he honestly couldn't choose! "Ok Louis next!" I siad as Niall looked at me "Who do you fancy?" I said "Ohh!" Niall said as he faced Louis "Well I don't think I really fancy anyone at the moment, I think a couple of girls are fit but I don't fancy anyone" He siad, that was pretty deep! And he was right! "Right your go!" Niall said as Louis looked at him "Do you like Harry?" Louis said as I thought about it "Well I thought was ok but then he went off in that big strop and he's kind of being an attention seeker lately" I said as I felt bad, these were his bestfriend "Ohh ok" Niall said as Louis headed into the kitchen "so when does Lauren get here?" Louis asked as I juped up and sat on a bar stool "I dunno, I'll ask her now" I said as I looked at my phone to see a text from Lauren

We're both coming! And we arrive tomorrow!! EEEEEEP Can't wait to see my brownie<3

She calls me brownie and I call her blondie, It's been that way since year 3! "Oh my god she gets here tomorrow!" I said as Louis looked at me "Really? So are you going to go for it with her brother?" Louis said curiously as he slid me a cup of coke a cola "May as well, no one else seems to be interested in me so why not go for it?" I said, Louis seemed a bit 'iffy' "Ohh ok!" He said as he ran over and joined Niall and I text Lauren back

Omg, do you two want to stay at my place? And I miss my blondie too<3

I walked over and joined Louis and Niall "No Niall!" I said as I looked at the screen and he had put the cooking channel on "But why?" He said with a puppd dog look on his face "Because I'll end up cooking everything they do!" I joked as Louis laughed. "So you excited to see Lauren?" Niall asked as Louis put MTV back on and turned the volume down "Yeah, I haven't seen her in 2 years!" I said as Louis joind our conversation "How old is she?" He asked "2 years older than me" I said as Niall looked confused "She's 20 Niall" I said as I laughed a bit "Ohhhhh, hey Lou maybee this coud be your future wife!" Niall joked as we all laughed, how cool would that be?! I know it's weird that I absolutly HATED Louis and Niall this morning but now they were like my best mates! "What does she look like then?" Louis asked trying to change the subject "I'll ask her to send me a picture!" I said as I grabbed my phone and I had a text from Lauren

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