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"Oh ok" He stuttered as his head dropped "Harry, I didn't mean that!" I chuckled as he looked at me "What?" He asked confused as I nodded "I'd love to go out with you Harry!"  I grinned as he looked at me and a smile appeard "Really?" He asked as I nodded "But maybe we should keep it secret?" I asked as he thought "Yeah, like not tell anyone?" He asked as Louis walked in "Not tell anyone what?" Louis askedd walking into the kitchen as I shuffled awkwardly and Harry looked at me "Nothing" He murmered as he smiled at us "Have you two hooked up?" He asked grinning as me and Harry looked at eachother "Eww no!" I protested as I got up and looked at Harry who looked hurt "Really?" Louis asked curiosly as I raised one eyebrow "Why would I hook up with Harry? We're mates and that's all we'll ever be!" I said exclaiming 'Ever' "Ohh ok then, bye!" Louis said as Ihe walked out of the apartment, I looked back at Harry who was looking at the ground "Come on, you know I didn't mean that!" I said as he looked at me and smiled "Really?" He asked as I laughed "Really reallly"

"Do you want a drink?" Harry asked as I paused letters to Julliet "Well since you asked" I said as I amiled at him "Oh god, what do you want? A beer" He joked as I shook my head "Erm a hot chocolate?" I asked as he sighed "Fine, whipped cream and marshmallows?" He asked as I grinned and he walked into the kitchen to make my drink. He's so sweet, he's just like.. perfect! "Harry?" I called as I layed on the sofa "Yeah?" He called as I smiled "How many girls have you slept with?" I asked with a laugh "I am NOT going to tell my girlfriend how many girls I've slept with!" He protested as I turned to face him "Pleaseeee?" I whinned as he sighed "Why do you want to know?" He asked as I shrugged my shoulders "I am not telling you!" He teased as he walked back over with my hotchocolate, I moved to the other side of the sofa and put my legs on Harry's lap "Why?" I whinned as he looked at me "Tell me your magic number then" He asked as we both had a stare off "No!" I protested as he laughed "Then why do I have to tell you mine?" He asked as I thought, have to come up with a good answer! "Because, I want to know" I smiled as he laughed "No! Now play the film!" he said as I clicked the play button.

"Tripple didgets?" I asked as he laughed "Drop it! It's been half an hour!" He said as I smiled "Double didgets?" I asked as he tried to ingore me "Ohhh it's double didgets!!!!" I said excitedly as I sat up and he laughed "Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" I repeated whilst poking him "Get off!" he laughed as he smacked my hand away "Ermm 20?" I asked as he laughed "20 what?" Niall asked as he walked in "20 girls that Harry's slept with!" I smiled as Harry sighed and paused the film before hiding his head "Ohh the magic number? Harry's is 16" Niall said as I smiled "Thanks Niall!" I beamed as I looked at Harry who had his head burried in his hands "16 ayy?" I teased as he laughed "No" He joked as Niall walked out of the room "Yes!" Niall shouted before walking out of the apartment "Why wouldn't you tell me 16?" I asked with a huge grin "Because, it's a lot! Why are you grinning?!" He asked as I laughed "Oh please! 16 is NOT a lot for a celebrity!" I pointed out as he thought about it "Is it a lot for a normal Essex chic like you bruv?" Harry mocked in an Essex accent as I playfull pushed him and layed back down "So, how many boys have you slept with?" Harry asked ass I ignored him "Come on, tell me!" He said as I laughed "How many would you like me to say?" I asked as he thought "In a way none but in a way a lot" He said as I laughed and layed back down "Tell me!" He whinned as he got up.

"Tell me or I'll go away forever" He said as I smiled "Will you?" I asked as he thought about it "Tell me or I'll tell your mother I'm dating you!" He said as I looked at him shocked "You wouldn't!" I said over dramatic "Oh but I would young one!" Harry said dramaticly as we both looked at eachother seriously before laughing "It's more than none!" I said as he sighed "That doesn't help!" He whined as I chuckled and stood up infront of him "I'll tell you if you take me back to Essex someday?" I asked as he nodded and I smiled "9" I said before walking into the kitchen "9?!" Harry said shocked as I laughed "What?" I asked innocently as he stared at me shocked "What?! 9?! Is that it?!" He asked as my jaw dropped "Well sorry Mr Famous for not prostituting myself to every girl" I joked as he looked at me shocked "I am not a prostitute!" He said as I laughed "Ok, sure you're not Mr Pussy" I joked as I sat back down with a chocolate bar and Harry chuckled to himself.

"What do you want for dinner?" Harry asked as I thought "Domino's?" I asked with a huge gin and he shook his head "Why?!" I whinned "Because you always have domino's, and you'll get too fat!" He pointed out as I looked at him shocked "Too fat for what?!" I asked making Harry paranoid "Too fat to keep up modeling?" He asked as I chuckled "Don't worry, I'm not mean! Erm we could go to my mum's and get her to cook something?" I suggested as Harry nodded and got up to get dressed I got my phone and dialled mums number 

"Hello?" She asked down the phone as I cleared my throught

"Mum, it's Abie, can you cook me and Harry dinner tonight please?" I asked sweetly as something dropped

"Shit" She mumbled "Erm sorry, yeah of course I can! Who's Harry? You're sisters here aswell!" Mum said as I smiled 

"Oh great! I haven't seen her in a while! And Harry is my friend, we'll be over in a sec! Love you!" I said before hanging up the phone "Harry, we're going there, my sisters there aswell! I'm just going to go get ready!" I shouted as I walked out of the apartment and into my apartment.

I looked through my wardrobe for something to wear, ok so I haven't seen my sister in a long time and I wanted to look nice! I quickly put my hair down, It was all wavy and looked ok! I put on some ripped skinny jeans, a white and pink floral strappy top and some white and pink floral DM's to match. I quickly put on some mascara and lipstick and walked out, Taruni, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis were all staring at my phone in shock "Hey, what ya'll looking at?" I asked as they all turned to me and showed me the text, it was Harry who text me saying

Hey babe, we telling your mum and sister we're dating or not? Seya in a sec, LOVE YOU! <3

My jaw dropped, not exactly the best way for them to find out.. 



I just realised I've been writing this book for quite a long time and I've never thanked the readers so...

THANK YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Ya'll are actually amazing! You vote on every chapter with out me andsking etc..


like I was reading this book and on the end of every chapter there was 'please vote coment etc' and I realised I don't do that and I still get votes and comments!:O

So I just wanted to thank you and let you know that ya'll are AWESOME!

Well I'll see you next chapter?




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