12-3 months later

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"Hey babe." an all to familiar voice says. Peter.

"Ugh. Peter, we go through this every day. I already told you I have a boyfriend. Besides I've told you NO a million times!" I say, exasperated.

"You know you like me Tris. So why don't you go dump your junky boyfriend and you can have all this." he says gesturing to himself.

"You know, Peter that is a really tempting offer, but I think I'd rather

Have you go kick a cow!" I say kneeing him in the stomach then punching him in the face.

I run to my locker and quickly open it. A note comes fluttering out and I pick it up.

Dear Tris,

Meet me in the auditorium after school. Bring the girls.


The boys haven't been at lunch for a month and don't come to my house after school like usual so we don't see each other as much. This really stinks because Toby doesn't know about Peter due to Peter starting during the month.

Christina comes up next to my locker.

"Hey Chrissy" I say, smirking.

"Hey Trissy, how was Peter this morning?" she asks. She's known since she found out a week after it started.

"Oh, the usual." I say, shrugging.

"What's the damage?" She asks, smirking.

"A knee in the stomach followed by a punch to the face." I say closing my locker t the same time as her and we start walking to homeroom.

"Nice. You really should tell Four about this though." She says.

"I don't usually see him much anymore, but speaking of him, the boys want us to meet them in the auditorium after school, including the other girls. You think you can get them together?" I ask.

"Of course! Are you going to be in the talent show?" She inquires.

"I don't know, I'll probably see if Four, Zeke, and Uriah want to make a band or something along those lines." I answer, turning into class and taking a seat in the far back corner and Christina sits next to me.

"Cool." She responds.


"Hello class. Today you will be sketching a tattoo that you would get when you're older. I'll be walking around and observing your sketches and giving out pointers." Tori announces.

I start to sketch out a drawing of three birds flying in a line. I finish it quickly and draw two circles with a fire in one and two hands grasped together as if one was helping the other up. Tori walks by and glances over my shoulder."Those are amazing. Do you mind if I used those at my tattoo parlor. If you want to swing by sometime I'll give you them." she says.

"Of course! I can make some more ideas too. You're welcome to use any of them." I respond with a big smile before going back to my work.

I write 'We believe in ordinary acts of bravery; in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.' in a fancy scrawl. It was quote from one of my favorite books.

I draw a really cheesy sketch of me and my friends with our arms slung on each other's shoulders, all of us smiling and a Farris wheel in the back ground. I don't know. Where it came from but I just thought the idea was perfect. I knew of a rundown carnival not far from my house with a Ferris wheel just like the one from the picture


Sorry for everything! I've got back my inspiration!!!! Yay!!!!! The story will continue!!!! No adoption!! Sorry for the false alarm!!! About all of the exclamation points, well its just that I'm sooooo happy to be back!!! You know the drill, COMMENT and VOTE!!! The comments make me sooo happy, you guys are awesome. I'm calling you polar bears now! XP

Disclaimer(Dr. Awesome style[made that up! thumbs up? Thumbs down?]): Hello class my name is Dr. Awesome and I have a PHD in awesomeness, I would like to inform all of the polar bears that ANNA AND BARMICO DO NOT OWN DIVERGENT! VERONICA ROTH DOES!(Barmico is a weird monster that has just been made up, he may be included in other disclaimers)

Love the polar bears,


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