Chapter Fourteen: Bailey

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The long awaited next chapter has finally come, thanks so much for waiting patiently even though you really didn't have much of a choice. Once again, I appreciate the votes and reads and hope you all enjoy this chapter more than I enjoyed getting just a tad bit stuck while finishing it. The following chapter, Chap 16, will be in Dill's POV. So, you'll get to understand his reasoning's a bit more.  




As promised I updated on New Years Day.

Harper and I didn’t exactly go to bed angry with each other over last night’s big “discussion” but we weren’t really on speaking terms with each other either, which really made Emma’s day because I’m pretty sure she threatened to punch us both in the boob if we didn’t get our “stuff” together before we left for the game. We were now at the ST Center with five minutes before the puck drops on the first period. That just goes to show how “afraid” we were of Em’s threat towards our breasts.

I sat slouched between Em and Harp my arms so severely crossed across my chest I’m pretty sure I looked like a pouty five year old. I didn’t care what I looked like. I was upset with Harp for being . . . right—there I admit it!—and more upset with myself for acting out this way and putting a dark cloud over a night that’s supposed to be all rainbows and glitter because dammit hockey was back in KC!

I cast a side long glance to Harper on my left she didn’t look like sunshine and butterflies either making the knot in my stomach tighten.  My gaze switched to Emma on my right, I had to stifle a bubble of laughter at her because she was just the complete opposite of me and Harp. Em was chillin’ eating her nachos and people watching her favorite activity. She had scooped up a mess of nacho cheese and stuffed it into her mouth laughing softly to herself at some fan making an ass out of his self. His arms were waving spastically in the air while his beer sloshed over the rim of the cup bathing the people next to him.

I elbowed Harp who looked surprised that I was even attempting to talk to her; I nodded in Emma’s direction. We both watched our friend people watch smiling to ourselves like the trio of weirdo’s we really are. Em must have finally got that feeling when someone’s watching you because she slowly turned her head towards us swallowing the last bit of nachos.

“Bunch of creepers,” she mumbled fighting hard with the smile that spread wide across her mouth. “You guys good now?”

I looked at Harp and she at me, I pursed my lips pretending to think on it only when Emma nudged my elbow did I cave pulling both my girls in for a hug careful not to spill Em’s nachos.

“I love you guys!” I cooed pulling them closer together so that our heads were inches apart, people probably thought we were A: going to start smooching each other or B: we had just escaped the mental asylum. We were definitely escapees of a rare mental asylum for sure.

“We love you too B,” they both echoed laughing. Harper took this time while we were still mashed together to pull out her phone and take several photos of us together, some shots were perfect and the rest were of us just being dorks. Those I know would go straight to Twitter and Facebook unfortunately.

About that time the lights in the big arena had dimmed causing the crowd to come to life in epic proportions. My heart thudded in my chest as I rose to my feet my arms raised above my head like I was praising the Almighty himself and I was in a sense because my love was back. Prayers were answered by the big man upstairs and me along with twenty thousand other screaming cheering fans were grateful beyond words.

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