Chapter Thirty-One: Bailey Part I

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Darlings, this chapter proved to be difficult and thus I have to split it into two parts otherwise I'm afraid I would take too much time writing it and you all would come after me with pitchforks and torches! I hope you all enjoy it and thank you for you're encouraging words through the whole book and your votes!! 


PS. If anyone wants to create some cover art for 'The Hat Trick' or create a new cover altogether I wouldn't be opposed. ;)

PPS. I'm introducing a new character in this chapter and I hope you all will enjoy this person, every character has a purpose in this book. Thanks.


“So you just packed your bags and left?” Harper asked her tone skeptical. I started to nod my head and then remembered that I was talking to both her and Emma over the phone and they couldn’t see me nodding.

“Yeah, it wasn’t a hard decision.” I explained murmuring an apology to the man I accidentally swiped with my elbow as I pulled my luggage behind me towards the front desk of the hotel I was at.

“And he has no idea where you’re at right now?” Emma piped in sounding just as confused.

“Nope, no clue.” I switched the phone to my left ear while hefting my hundred pound purse high on my shoulder. “This will be good for us, he’s been trying really hard since we had our sit down chat about a couple weeks ago and I just thought that it would be a good time to do something different.”

“Bails, finals are in a couple weeks and you’re choosing now of all times to go on a mini-secret-road trip to watch your NHL boyfriend play against another team? Who are you and what have you done with the real Bailey?” Emma asked seeming really worried about me leaving school for a few days to watch J play on the road.

I rolled my eyes as I sidestepped a mother with a crying three year old. “Em, come on, I’m way ahead in all my classes. Nothing is due this week anyways and I know what I’m doing on both fronts so stop worrying already.”

“She’s right Em,” Harper joined in and I couldn’t have been happier with the backup.

“Things have been stilted between J and me since he explained what happened in his past. We’ve both been trying so hard to get back what we lost, that it’s actually become awkward. I just want to go back to the way things were before all of the crazy ex business started.” I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. “I’m trying to move forward even with knowing what his deal is I guess, besides he asked me to come like three days ago and I lied and said that I had a sixteen page paper due at the end of the week and I really needed to be home studying. So, that being said this is a good idea, surprising him is a good idea. It’ll tell him that I support him and that I’m trying to close the gap that’s developed between us.”

“I feel like I’m reading a very angst ridden Young Adult book,” Harper joked, her laughter blasting from the phone and into my now damaged ear.

 “Bitch,” I murmured and then had to apologize to the woman standing in front of me.

Emma’s soft voice hummed in the background. “Just be careful,”

Looking beyond the woman in front of me I found myself behind seven people, the longest line of my life. Rolling my eyes to the ceiling I prayed for patience, waiting in lines and listening to Emma give me her mother hen speeches had me on an already nonexistent patience level.

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