Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning all excited. Today is the day I get to see my brother race! Jumping out of bed, I got dressed. I picked out my Chase Elliott shirt, shorts and a pair of all black vans. Moving quietly as I can, I finished up all I needed to do and went to wake up my brother.  

Chase's P.O.V

I heard my sister getting dressed. I'm not a light sleeper. When she woke me up, I hugged her good morning and got out of bed. Making my way to the bathroom, I noticed my fire suit hanging up in the bathroom. I smelled it. Dry cleaned? Poking my head out of the bathroom, I asked my sister. "Uh, why is my fire suit smelling of dry cleaning?" My eyes shifted to her eyes. "Oh. While you were sleeping last night, I took it to get it cleaned." She replied smiling. I turned around. I've got to admit, no one has ever cleaned my fire suit. Come to think of it, I don't think it's ever been washed.

I gather up my stuff, and head downstairs to the breakfast buffet. Since Chase is getting a ride with Kyle, he thought it would be a good idea to get a ride from Ryan. I mean, I had no problem with that but what if something happens? I push those thoughts aside. He wouldn't do that...would he? I finished my scrambled eggs, orange juice, and bagel then went outside to wait for Ryan. While waiting for him, I made sure I looked good. Not for him, but for the Victory Lane when my big brother crosses that finish line in 1st place. Just thinking about it makes me all excited.

After what felt like forever, Ryan finally showed up. He was wearing is Fire suit. Never in my life would I gawk at a NASCAR driver, but Ryan took my breath away. "Hey there good looking, you ready to see me cross the finish line with your brother in 2nd place?" His eyes never leaving mine as he smiled. "In your dreams lover boy!" I replied getting into his car. I buckled up, because he wouldn't go if I didn't. "Since we have like 3 hours to spare, I want to show you something." He pulled into this secluded place in the woods. This was my first time being in the woods with a super sexy man like Ryan. He parked his rent-a-car and we both got out. Taking my hand in his hand, he lead me to this open place in the woods. When I finally got to see it all, my mouth dropped open. There in the grass was a beautiful blanket with all sorts of healthy foods. I looked at Ryan who was rubbing his hand behind his neck.

I quickly ran to the blanket and sat down. "Oh my gosh Ryan, this is beautiful." My smile widened. "It's not much, but I overheard your brother saying you like fruits so I got you some." His nervous laugh was adorable. He sat down and I offered some fruit to him. "Jade, I know we have only met each other yesterday but I feel like I've known you my whole life." His body getting closer to mine. "Where are you going with his Ryan?" I swallowed my strawberry carefully. "Jade Thomas Elliott, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" I responded with yes, then he kissed me. My first kiss.

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