Wake Up Call

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Hey guys this is my first story, so please only constructive criticism. Also tell me if you want to see more of this please, and thank you. Until next time guys.

It was a nice Summer Saturday here at beautiful Monterey, California to an extent though, because like all other days here I wake up and do nothing all day long. My older sister, named Elisa, always said, "Why don't you go outside, and enjoy the beach; don't you have any friends." Bitch please, I have friends like...umm......... Ok so maybe I don't have friends, but I can still have fun, right? Right? I'm now realizing how much of a loser I am. Well, It's time to wake up and hopefully smell the roses. As I started to sit up and open my eyes an actual rose hit me in the face.

"My eyes!" I screamed to no one in particular. After I finally picked all the thorns off my body, and my eyes healed I looked up to see that I was not at my house, or in Monterey in general. In fact, I don't even think I'm in the U.S.A. at all! As I take in my surroundings I notice that the buildings look like they are very European with the black stone, and the annexes, and everything. "Where am I," I said as I sat up in the big grassy, and unforgiving to my eyes plain.

"You're in Everton of course you dumbass." Yep, it's definitely Europe. As I thought that I looked up to see a pearl white girl, about the same age as me, girl with brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'6 in height. And she was wearing a black dress, which accented her freaking penny loafers, like seriously who wears those anymore. As I was assessing her features she started talking again, "Hello, Earth to moron."

"Oh, umm hi." I said as she snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I'm here to ask you a big question you big buffoon, and it's why the heck are you on my property sleeping on the grass like you're a dragon."

"I actually do not know why I'm here, because I was just in my be - did you just say dragons like it's a normal pet to keep!?"

" Duh, have you never even opened your eyes before dude, look around." I finally did open my eyes, and now that I looked at this pretty medium sized village I saw some of the weirdest things, like how there's no cars, just dragons with carriages bringing people around the town, village, whatever it is thought I don't believe this is the real world. On the off chance that this is real; I need to find Elisa right now.

" I have to go okay, is that fine with you?" I really dumbly asked as I started backing up slowly.

" Of course you can leave, and please don't come back whoever you are!" she screamed at me with a passion. I'm pretty sure I saw little fires in her eyes, so I'll keep talking to her.

" Before I go what's your name?" I so calmly asked.

" The name's Melissa Grundy, yours?"

" Jaden Merlo, and I'll be leaving now." I started running through the grass to the main city streets where I ran into someone running my way not looking where they were going like an idiot. We both collided so hard I thought that Cars 2 was a good movie. After that tragedy, I started rubbing my head where we hit. "Hey!" I screamed with passion. " Watch where you're going."

" My mistake, I'm just looking for my older, but dumber than me, brother." It was then I looked up and realized that was my sister Elisa, and now I'm mad cause we both know I'm the smarter one here.

"I'm surprised you can say that to my face Elisa." She then had a very detailed expression on her face that looked like the police just caught her. " I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, so we can have a very clique reunion now."


"Sis!" after that we shared a big hug, and we also got very weird stares from the people surrounding us. After that very clique scene someone came up to us very abruptly ending our peace at the moment.

" Hey dip wad, I just realized how you're going to pay for being on my property." I looked up and saw Melissa glaring daggers into my face.

" You never said you were going to make me do something for being on your property." I said very confused at this situation unfolding in front of me.

" You're not from here are you?" She hissed at me. " If you thought yes then allow me to fill you in," she said as she leaned very uncomfortably close to me for someone I just met. " Anyone caught trespassing has to do anything the person who owns the property says, and I say you have to join my guild." What? A guild? I forgot I was in a fantasy world, whelp, I guess that's not so bad as long as I get paid. Just as I thought that with a smirk, she answered right back, " With no pay." At that point I fell on my knees regretting my decisions up to this point.

" Can I please get an explanation as to where we are, and how we got here, and who this crazy girl is." My sister proclaimed aloud to Melissa and me.

" Oh sorry didn't see you there, names Melissa, and I was taking this deviant that trespassed on my property to my guild, so we can help kill Quantum Red and his army.

" I wasn't asking you what's happening, I was asking my stupid brother."

" Oh so you're his sister then, I feel really bad you have to live with this swine."

" I am not a swine, I am a respectable young man with big hopes and dreams," I said putting my fist in the air triumphantly.

" Well, your dreams are now fight with me in the guild, so let's go now." She said as she started dragging me to the place of "interest""

" Wait for me!" my sister calls out as we begin our fall into the unknown in this new world.  

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